#22 - Him and Silence

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I could never believe people when they said they told their best friend everything. How could they do it? How could they share how they felt with a total different human being, who had their own thoughts and feelings too. How did they trust them enough? They could not see into eachother's minds, now could they?

How does one bare their greatest and their darkest experiences, the moments that plagued you at night with another? How does one hand another human being their kryptonite and part ways with them when the day came to an end?

Or was it just my inability to trust?

Then what did trust entail?

Did I not trust Maureen?

Did I not trust Mercy?

Did they trust me?

When Monday arrived, I would have given anything to not wrap the silky white and thick blue attires that were my uniform around my body. But I craved the euphoric feeling of being amongst my friends, being amongst distractions.

God knows I tried. 

He knows that I watched 5 episodes of Penny on Mars. He knows that I read 4 chapters of Talon The Black on Wattpad. He knows I even resorted to doing chores. Anything, anything to keep me from thinking about the events that transpired that day. Who knew a day could be so long?

It took ages for night to come and when I assumed I could leave the traces of that day in my thoughts, he chased me into my dreams. I saw him. I saw his once beautiful face morph into a monstrous grin. I heard him seduce me with his calm voice, which reminded me of an irritating buzz now. I felt his disgusting fingers wrap around my ankles as he taunted me, played with me, let me feel like I could escape his hold and-


I hummed a reply to Mercy. There she stood, beside our table, on another annoying morning at school. She looked rather curious but more confused. Then I noticed how her eyes glanced at a specific someone who occupied the space beside me on our shared little desk bench. 

"We made up." I grinned stupidly. "Yay." I lowly cheered in a childlike manner.

Mercy did not react. She did not speak. She sat beside me and set up the table for the next class. Mercy remained silent all through the first three classes of the day. It was not until the class had cleared out for lunch that she finally decided to grace us with her voice. 

"I'm not going to suddenly pretend that this kid-" She looked to Maureen then me as she was a year older than us, "-has not been a total arse to not just you but me too." She stood up, her purse in hand. "Just because you made up does not mean I agree to sharing my seat with her. Please consult me the next time you decide to invite someone into my private space."

Then she turned around and headed out of the classroom with the last word. Not like the rest of us even had the chance to say anything. 

"Well, she seems annoyed." I muttered, my thumb moving to my lips as I began to gnaw on my nails. Bad habit. 

"You think?" I didn't have time to jest on Maureen's slightly annoyed face because we were instantly surrounded. 

On all ends of our table, Favour leaned on the back of the chair in front of us. John was on the left of our table beside me and Divine was on the right, beside Maureen. A pair of hands touched and lightly added pressure to our seat, tilting centimetres backwards, I presumed it to be Micheal without even looking. It felt oddly intense. 

The classroom was almost empty, almost like they had all cleared out on purpose or the boys had just waited carefully for the opportunity and had gotten a chance to prey on us sooner than planned. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2023 ⏰

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