#2 - Him and His Confession

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Did you know that the world's female to male ratio is 49.5% to 51.5%. And that women are more common that men because they live longer. That means there were more boys to select from than girls and since we lived longer, I could get through more than one man in my whole lifespan.

So why? Why did I bother with Joseph? Compared to all the guys that walked the planet earth, what was so
special about Joseph? He was undeniable cute and smart, but there were others like that. Yes, he was tall and fit but once again there were other guys just like that.

So what got me overwhelmingly interested in this boy? I just couldn't put my finger on it. I most of the time hated the crush I had on him. Yes, I detested the feeling that made my chest warm and the butterflies within me uneasy. Shocker? Not really.

The image of that cocky smile, matched with those light brown eyes staring at me like I was a math equation was the only thing I could think of. Although it had been hours ago and the moment had barely lasted seconds, I couldn't stop having Joseph's beautiful features infiltrating my mind.

"Kolupo!" My face scrunched up with disgust as I turned to the turbulent mass of a human I called my cousin. Mercy had one hand gripping the left arm of Frankie's uniform and the other hand reaching for his pockets.

It took me quite a while to access the situation before I sprung off my chair. "What are you trying to collect?" I too started reaching for his pocket, trying to help my cousin in need. "Take the money!" She yelped as he managed to get out of her death grip.

I shoved one had down his back pocket and grabbed whatever I found, in the process touching his bum. I paid no attention to the fact that our current position we're very compromising, like we were feeling him up, and yanked away with whatever was in my hand.

I took off towards the classroom door which was immediately blocked by another one of our classmates John. Now John was huge and he rolled with the main them. Like the real deal. How Mercy had gotten involved with John beat me but I had to get away from him right now, for sure.

So I turned around and rushed between seats, going towards the left side of the class, as the door was on the right. "Kolupo no!" From the corner of my eye, I noticed Frankie charging at me and John was hot on my trail from the other side.

I backed up towards one of the windows, seeing no other way out, I poked my head out of the window and glanced left and right for any naval officers or teachers. I was actually doing this. I had to be nuts. The coast was clear and before their eyes, I got onto a chair and hopped my butt onto the window sill. Swinging both legs over, I pushed myself off the window and barely caught myself as I landed outside the classroom wall.

The boys and Mercy seemed way too taken aback for a second and that second was all I need to bolt towards the science laboratories. I rushed down the hallway, passed the technical drawing room and the fish pond and it wasn't until when I was close to the chemistry lab, did I look back.

I was panting like a wild dog as I walked hurriedly towards the biology lab. That lab was the most isolated and no one would suspect I was hidden there. Lucky for me, the door was open and the lab was in graveyard mode. With a huge sigh, I crashed into one of the chairs, trying my best to catch my breath.

Finally, I uncurled my hands to look at the money everyone was fighting for and to my amazement it was 5 of one thousand naira notes with 1 fifty naira note at the center of it all. heck. I was sure the 5k was for Frankie, I remember him talking about it but if that was for him, then they had been fighting for 50 naira the whole time. I'd jumped out a freaking window for 50 naira.

The sound of the door opening sent a little wave of fear through me, only to turn to relief when it was a student that walked in. But then my breath was suddenly lost at an instant as I realized who that student was. Joseph.

A mock smile slowly crawled up his face as he sauntered over to me. "Kolupo Davis, what are you doing in an empty lab? Where's your gang?" For heavens sake, why did people call us a gang? I blinked continuously and nervously smiled. "What are you talking about?"

Joseph finally reached me and sat on the slab or counter, he leaned back and supported himself with one hand. "Your girls nau. You want to do like you don't know abi?" I rolled my eyes and got up, this was way too close for comfort. My nervous bubble was starting to fill up with air and the expansion was picking up pace.

"I don't o." I managed to squeak out. Joseph laughed and honestly, it was the richest thing ever. I'd actually made him laugh. I could literally die right now and be satisfied with it. "Okay o." He replied mocking my tone.

Then out of nowhere, he cleared his throat. I fought all cells in my body and resisted the urge to look at him. The whole time, I'd moved away from him and backed into the opposite slab. This way, we were facing eachother, him sitting on the slab and me standing. But my eyes remained on my mucky sandals, knowing if I accidently locked eyes with Joseph again, I might lose my cool. Well what's left of it.

"I've been meaning to talk to you Sha." Now that caught my attention. My eye shot up and right to his face, not like I wanted to look anywhere else. "Maureen and I broke up." He said it like it was something I had no idea about, like it was something no one was talking about. I furrowed my brows and nodded slowly, as if telling him to continue.

"I don't want it to be as if I'm playing with you gals or anything o, but I don't even like Maureen. The girl is too somehow." My eyes were as wide as saucers and my jaw had dropped as low as the ground. Joseph didn't like Maureen? My silence was taken as a sign to continue as Joseph went on.

"The truth is, I was using her. I'm not proud of it but it has to be said." That seemed to be all from him because right after those words, he kept quiet. Both of us remained still, me avoiding his gaze. Then all of a sudden, he hopped off the slab and was in front of me so fast, I couldn't comprehend what was happening.

There was an eiery silence. Joseph stood meters from me, his chest heaving, lips parted. His eyes roaming every inch of my face, taking in my every movement. Then his features started getting bigger, clearer at first then blurry, he got closer.

His face was dipping lower, his head dropping to my level. Our eyes then locked in what seemed to be the most intense staring contest I'd ever participated in. The closer he got, the faster my hand shook, was this really happening?

I shut my eyes and awaited the meet, taking shallow breaths through my nose. My fingernails immediately dug deep into my palms as my thoughts ran wild. I could feel his breath on my cheeks and my nails sunk deeper the heavier it got.

Then the bell rang.

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