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Here's what iris looks like properly

Master plo's POV

I saw the child's face become clouded for a moment than become serious once more. She wasn't any youngling I had seen so far. Maybe she was just found and we just hadn't seen her yet. "I'm sorry sir I don't like playing with others and I liked to keep to myself". Her voice was calm but had a sharpness to it.

I looked to a alaya and she nodded. "Alright young one what is your name?" She was silent for a moment as if contemplating her options. The force was strong in her, but something else had a grip on her.

" My name is Lily. I'm sorry for being so quiet and scared I only arrived a few days ago from tattoine. Now is it alright if I go join the other younglings Master plo" without waiting she took off slowly into the garden and joined some other younglings playing.

"She had a blaster on her hip it was conceals by her jacket but you could see the hunk of you focus". Master Alaya's voice spoke out stepping closer to me and keeping an eye on "lily".

"The force is strong with her but I sense something else within her. A darkness or a shadow that's been locked on her for quiet some time. I suggest we go to master Yoda and speak with him".  I nodded and walked away with Master Alaya.

Iris POV
I watched Master Plo and Master Alaya walk away. Cody was gonna kill me when he found out about this. I needed to slip away and soon.

I was playing with 2 children around my age. Abigail and Markus they were twins and had the same blue tusk on their head like a twilek had and devious purple eyes. I tagged Markus and ran as fast as I could with Abigail as he chased after us. I laughed and jumped over benches and ran on the garden.

I heard Abigail squeal and turn to see Markus having his hand on her shoulder. He took off running and Abigail turned and her eyes fell on me. So I was the new target. Heh! Bring it on nobody can catch me when I don't wanna be caught.

She ran at me as fast as her feet wouod take her and right as she was about to grab my shirt I side stepped and stepped back. She stumbled trying to come to a stop and turned around facing me. I smirked and bolted "CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!"

We spent the next hour or so running back and forth playing tag. Abigail nor Markus could catch me but I always let them think that before I put on some real speed.

"How are you so fast!" Abigail's sweet voice rang out. "Oh uh I use to play tag with the kids on my street often" I spat out quickly.

They nodded and heard a voice ring out "all younglings please report back to your bedrooms before dinner"

Crap is was almost dinner. "Yay! Dinner time and today's cookie day's Markus jumped uo and down with his sister.

I gave a shy smile and followed the younglings and slowly slipped back through the group. I slipped inside a storage room halfway there and waited a few minuets til I was sure they were gone.

I quickly aimed a hand at the vent and focused. It was hard for me at times to use the force. It was always there watching me waiting to snatch me.

The vent ripped off its hinges and I took a deep breath and slipped inside and grabbed the panel and put it back where it was suppose to be.

Some time later

I finally made it back to the base when it was nearly dark. I walked by other troopers and they nodded or waved at me.

I bolted off to yellow squads room (Cody's teams room) I slipped inside. It was dark, good that meant everyone was at dinner. Hopefully Cody would bring me something or I'll just steal something from the cafeteria later.

I was about to set my blaster down on my bed when the light suddenly flicked on. "And where have you been iris"

I tensed and slowly turned around. Cody and Wolf were right in-front of me. "Oh you know about running around getting pieces for pranks and finding animals to try to reach out to."

I smiled at them trying to keep myself from throwing my guts up from the fear I felt. "Oh really now" wolfs voice rang out like a deadly gun shot. "Because from what troopers have said they saw you going into the Jedi temple. Bly and bronze saw you even." Cody spoke out slowly crossing his arms and glaring at me with a rage I had only seen when I broke something or shot him in the butt with my blaster.

I sighed and sat down. "I didn't think I would get caught I'm sorry I didn't mean to! I managed to play it cool and I didn't tell them my real name and I managed to slip away so only maybe 4 people really saw me!!"

"Wait wait! You got caught!" Wolf yelled out and stepped towards me going to my height and grabbing my shoulders with a bear grip. Oops. They didn't know I had gotten caught. "What no pssh!" I quickly responded trying to keep eyes with the 1 man I was terrified of the most.

I lost obviously and looked away. " YOU DID?!" I'm screwed!

Thanks so much for so many reads I'm sorry I haven't been posting or even writing!!!

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