Golden Sunlight

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The whole bed frame was shaking as I tediously tapped my foot at the end of the bed. My mind couldn't stop the fumbling of words, phrases and scenarios going on in my head. My phone buzzed furiously with calls and texts from Jake, who was anxious about my unresponsiveness. The familiar haptics of the phone went off again when I snatched the phone and barked into the phone,

"Jake I'm fine" I shouted with unintentional force

"Jeez Y/N, you've been a ghost for the whole day, what's going on?" Jake asked in a reassuring and calm manner. I clutched my phone in my hand and contemplated on what to say next. Jake had a short fuse, and almost anything set him off. But this was out of my league, out of my species actually. I took a deep breath and started explaining the whole situation at hand with Scott and the vampires. I could feel the deep burning of Jake's rage through the phone before I hung up.

"You did WHAT, with WHO?" He yelled, enraged through the phone

"Jake stop, I had no choice-"

"YOU HAD NO CHOICE? YOU COULD HAVE BEEN KILLED" Jake stated, before I could reply all I heard was the start of the engine and the sound of a racing car down the street. Jake was driving so fast, I was surprised the sheriff did not come racing down the street with him. I braced myself for the argument of a lifetime when Jake pounced from his truck into my window. Before I knew it, the bare chested olive skinned boy was heaving in front of me.

"Hi Jake", I said calmly. "May I remind you that I live in a full home with a younger sibling who is all presently sleeping at the moment. Let's not wake them." I put my hands together and sat on the edge of the bed. "As much as I am freaking the absolute fuck out, I don't want the police called." Jake let out a huge sigh and joined me on the side of the bed, staring at me intently.

"Fine, I overreacted a little bit" Jake said while holding his fingers up, illustrating his point. I ran my hands through my hair and paced around the room,

"Jake, is Scott dead? I mean, Alice was so sweet; I don't think she could hurt a fly." I reasoned while mindlessly stretching my hands. Jake shook his head and looked to the ground.

"Y/N, they only show you what they want you to see, everything about them is bait to lure you in. Their cars, clothes, appearance is all set up. It's a trick. I think the Cullens are as safe as they want to be" Jake grabbed my hand in order for me to stop pacing.

"Scott's going to be fine, there is a treaty in place. In order for the Cullens to stay here, they agreed not to hunt on this land. This is our land." Jake stated rather proudly. My blood pressure dropped slightly and I let out a small sigh of relief. Jake propped himself on the bed and I joined in, lavishing soaking up his warm temperature. He wrapped his arms around me innocently until we both dazed off into a deep slumber and were awakened in the aura of the golden sunlight.


School dragged on into oblivion as I anxiously waited in Mrs.Paulson's class until the final bell. My teacher and I exchanged a few words about my graduation speech which I hadn't even been confirmed yet, but it seemed I was a shoe in for. I mindlessly mulled over some perspective topics for her to finally shut up and made my way to the parking lot, where Scott must be going over his latest tirades with the Freshmen. The parking lot was filled with the usual suspects of jock clans and local social media influencers before I abandoned the area to look in the photography studio on campus. The room was completely empty and my nervousness began to rise, Scott was nowhere to be found. Scott was a lot like me, he never missed school and even if he did, he was on campus somewhere to be found. School was his place to be free, to be out and proud. Scott knew everyone and everyone knew Scott, and they loved his larger than life attitude. He brought culture to this vanilla school, he brought Devil Wears Prada and RuPauls Dragrace to Senior Activities day. Scott was practically the beating heartbeat of this school, and now he was nowhere to be found. I quickly texted Jake and let him know that Scott has not been seen. He hit back almost instantly,

*Bloodsuckers are gone too*

My heart dropped. I didn't even notice that the entire Cullen clan was absent from school. Their presence was so subdued that no one even noticed that they were gone. Guilt and remorse instantly filled my heart. I had killed my only friend. I let him go into the lion's den. I let him die. I ran into my car and drove into the woods until I reached Jakes small house and let myself in.

"Jake, he's gone" And I collapsed into his arms. Jake rushed from his bedroom and caught me before my knees broke under the pressure of my fall.

"Y/N, don't worry, don't worry" He pleaded as he carried me into his comfortable room. "I'm not going to let them do this. They are going to have to answer to me. I love you." The phrase almost stopped the rotation of the earth.

"Jake, what?" I sputtered, too incoherent to understand.

"Y/N, go to sleep, we're going to get your friend back." Jake smiled and threw a warm blanket over me. The scent of evergreen trees and pine nuts slowly wafted over me and I was in a deep slumber. I was awakened by the rumble of doors slamming and cans opening from the main living area. Still foggy from my breakdown, my head throbbed with pain as my eyes regained focus. I heard from familiar voices of Jake's pack. Paul seemed to be messing around before Jake quieted down the group and began speaking.

"The Cullens, they have Y/N's friend Scott. He was last seen with Alice last night. He has not been at school or reported in for work. Y/N and I are extremely worried."

"You think he's dead or alive?" Sam stated bluntly.

"I hope alive, in over one hundred years, why would the Cullens choose now to start killing the people of Forks?" Jake started with a hint of confusion.

"I've been itching for a fight with the bloodsuckers, time we finally got rid of them." Seth announced loudly, this got the group riled up and Jake once again quotes the group down.

"We need to find Scott- alive. We have enough issues with the rogue vampires that come through this area from the North. I don't want to have any disappearances. Everyone travels in packs..." Jake then began pairing up the pack and giving everyone coordinates. The meeting was then dismissed and the pack shuffled out the door and shouting and roughhousing began, fading into the background. Jake slowly opened the door to the bedroom to find a weary but smiling me still very much laying in the bed.

"Sleeping beauty, you're finally awake." Jake commented, brushing a warm hand across my forehead. "You ok?" He questioned, softly. I grabbed his hand and placed it on my heart,

"I'm okay Jake, thank you for always taking care of me." I smiled weakly.

"We had a meeting. Me and the pack. We are going to find Scott." He said sternly, not breaking eye contact.

"You will, honestly Scott hates the woods and how long can he live without me?" I chuckled. Jake flashed a brilliant smile. The moment was so irresistible, before I knew it- we were both leaning in for a kiss. Our lips connected and it was the perfect moment,

"I love you too, Jake." I smiled warmly, holding his hand.

"Oh thank God, you had me worried there for a sec" Jake joked, I playfully shoved him and rolled my eyes. Jake clenched his chest and pretended to wince in pain,

"God Jake, your friends would roast the shit out of you if they saw what a simp you are." I joked loudly,

"Uh, Y/N, we can read each others thoughts- remember?" I had a sudden relization and grimaced.

"God that sucks" I bury my head in the Jake scented pillow

"You know what doesn't suck?" Jake smirks

"Hmmmm?" I lift my eyebrows

"This pizza we picked up" We both eyeballed each other for a second before bolting out the door into the kitchen with the hot boxes. If I wasn't careful, Jake would eat literally every slice out of every box. I was able to claim a few pieces before surrendering the rest to Jake. We spent the rest of the night laughing and talking, and before we knew it the night turned to day, and the search for my best friend would begin.

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