Chapter 2

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'So where you wanna talk about?' Chelsey asks when we sit down. Ohw crap now I need to explain her, she gonna act like an FBI agent for sure. 'So ehm... this morning I was at the dentist.' She looks at me weird. 'There was a really good looking boy, we kinda talked and than I had to leave for school.' She starts smiling. 'So after school I had to go to work, and.... he was there to.' I stay quiet for a while. 'Go on.' Chelsey says. O lord, okay just day it fast and quick. 'He gave me his number.' I say quick. She smiles. 'And u need my help? What, I don't understand.' She says. 'He wants me to call him, and I can't do that, I don't know what to say, he probably gonna think I'm weird, but I kinda like him.' She sights. 'I'll help you.' She says. I grab my phone and type in the number. Omg I'm so nervous, I can't do this, I'm gonna act weird and I don't know what to say.
I press call. 'Lando Norris speaking?' I push on speaker so Chelsey can listen with me. 'Ehm Hi! Its rose.' 'Hey!' I hear excitement in his voice. I look at Chelsey. 'What now?' I say playbacking. 'Ask how he is.' She playbacks. 'So.. ehm.. how ur doing?' 'Yeah fine, even better hearing you, how are u?' I blush when he says that. 'I'm fine thanks! Why ehm... did u gave me your number?' I ask awkward. 'Ehm... I thought we could meet up sometime.' He says. I grab my phone and walk outside. 'I hate youuu.' Chelsey says joking. 'Ehm.... yeah sure sounds fun.' 'When ur free?' He asks. 'Tomorrow night?' I ask him 'yeah sure, sounds perfect to me, send me ur address I will pick u up at 8, okay?' He says. 'Yes sure!' I say way to excited. I hear him chuckling trough the phone. 'See u then... Lando.' I say shy. 'See u Rose.' I end the call and walk back in. This was the most awkward phone call I've ever had. I didn't know what to say. But I'm gonna see him again! I sigh and sit down on my chair. 'So...?' Chelsey asks. 'This was the most awkward phone call I've ever had!' I say. She laughs. 'We're gonna meet up. Tomorrow night, at 8.' I say with the biggest smile on my face. 'What was his name again?' She asks. 'Lando, Lando norris.' I smile when I hear his name. She grabs my phone out of my hand, puts in the code, and goes to Instagram. 'Lando Norris.' She says slowly. She turns around the phone to me. 'Dude! He is famous, he has 2.5 million followers, and he's a Formula 1 driver of McLaren.' That makes sense, he drives a McLaren car. But I don't really like f1, I just don't know whats fun about driving a car for 2 hours, for the same lap. Don't see the fun in it. 'Nice.' I answer short. 'You don't seem to care.' Chelsey says. 'No I actually don't care, he just has to be nice.' 'Typical rose.' She says.

I fall down on the bed take of my clothes, put on some relax clothes grab my laptop. My phone busses.

Andrew: don't forget you have to work tomorrow until 8
Fuck, fuck, fuck I totally forgot. Shit.
Me: no I won't forget.

I sight and kinda stress out. I decide to text Lando.

Me: hey! Sorry, I have to work tomorrow until 8, I totally forgot! Can u pick me up at work, if u okay with that?

I put my phone on the charger. And search in YouTube for 'Lando Norris'. A lot of video's show up, and he has his own YouTube channel! I click on a video.

I grab my phone to check the time. Its 2 o'clock. Crap! Luckily I have a day of tomorrow because of the new students on our school, they have an introduction or something like that. I put away my laptop. Before I turn out the light my phone busses.

Lando Norris: hey! Yeah sure, its okay. CU tomorrow

I laugh at my phone. Who the hell is online at 2 am. Hahaha me. I laugh at my phone and answer his text.

Can I Help You? [Lando Norris]Where stories live. Discover now