Chapter 6

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~ 2 weeks later ~
I put my keys back, and walk to the living room. When I see rose a smile appears on my face. She sleeping on the couch and cuddling with a huge teddybear I got of my sisters. 'U can't cuddle ur pillow forever.' There message was when they got me this.
I tap rose on her shoulder. 'Lascia Fernando o ti ammazzo.' Rose says in a sleepy voice. 'That sounds impressive.' I chuckle. Rose opens her eyes, when she sees me she hides her face in the bear. 'Heyyy, don't do thattt, I wanna see ur face.' I say and grab the bear away. When I see her face again her cheeks are red. She smiles shy at me. 'Luckily u don't know what I said.' She giggles. 'chi dice che non lo so.' I say in my best italian. ('Who says I don't know what u said.') she spreads her eyes. 'U speak Italian?' She asks. 'A little bit.' I say proud. 'Did u understand what I said?' She asks. I shake my head. 'Nope.' She giggles. 'Good.' She gets up, walks to the kitchen and grabs her phone. '3 missed calls of dad.' She says scared. 'I'm gonna call him back.' She grabs her phone and walks outside.

~Rose di Bianchi~
'Hey dad.' .... 'whats wrong?' .... 'yeah sure.' ... 'why that early?' ... 'okay than, see u.'
I walk back inside. 'What was wrong?' Lando asks. 'I have to get home at 4, something is wrong.' I sight and sit down on the couch. 'Wich date is it?' I ask. '16th of April.' Lando says. 'O my god! My mom is coming home, she was on a business trip for work.' Lando laughs. 'So nothing to worry about than.' I shake my head. 'Nothing to worry about.' It stays quiet for a few seconds.
'But what did u say to me when I woke u up?' Lando says. I laugh. 'Fernando leave or I'm gonna kill u.' I say laughing. Lando raises his eyebrows, I stare at him. When he looks at me we both start laughing

'Does u mom knows about us?' Lando asks when I want to leave. 'Nope, I wanna say it when its official.' I say shy. Lando puts a kiss on my forehead. 'Make sense, see you...'
'Tomorrow i finish the sentence.' Lando laughs. 'See u tomorrow.'
I grab my bike and go home.

When I arrive at home I see my moms car, and a few transport cars. Weird, maybe mom bought some new sofa's and stuff.

'Hi mom!' I say while I give her a hug. She doesn't look really happy. 'Whats wrong?' I ask. 'Sit down.' My dad says. Fernando sits down next to me. 'So eh.... tonight we move to Italy, mom stays here and u are going with me.' My dad says. 'What!' Fernando yells. 'I know its a bit late, but an hour ago I heard we have to leave this house in 5 hours, and we have a house in Italy so we're gonna live there.' Tears are filling my eyes and I can't see clear any more. I think about my friends, school, work and Lando. Mostly about Lando, I'll probably never see him again. 'So eh...' I start talking. 'I kinda have a boyfriend here.' My mom looks weird at me. 'Rosella! Ur 18! I don't allow u to have a boyfriend.' I'm actually kinda happy I'm moving with my dad and not my mom. I don't really like her. I sight and get up. 'Go pack up bags!' My mom shouts to me when I leave the room.

I fall down and start crying. Someone knocks the door. Its my dad. He wraps a arm around me. I put my haid against his chest. 'When are we leaving?' I say crying. 'In 5 hours we have to be at the airport.' He says. He softly rubs my back. 'Can I go to Lando? Just to say goodbye?' He nods. I wipe away my tears and run down the stairs. 'Where do u think u going?' My mom asks. I ignore her and start running to Lando. I can't do this, losing my boyfriend. Again. Last time it didn't went well. I start cutting myself and got depressed

*ding dong* I ring the bell. Lando opens the door. 'Hey!' He says smiling. I fall in his arms and start crying. 'Baby whats wrong?' He hugs me tight. I get inside. Lando closes the door. We sit down on the couch. 'Whats wrong?' I start crying again. 'I'm leaving...' I say softly. 'What?! Why, no u can't!' Lando says. 'I'm moving to Italy with my dad, my mom stays in England.' Tears are over Lando his shirt. 'When?' He asks. I hear he's trying not to cry. 'Tonight.' I say way to soft. 'What?' - 'Tonight.' I start crying again. Lando grabs my hand. 'Hey, we're gonna make this work, okay? We can do this!' He says. I see he's scared in his eyes, scared to lose me. I smile softly. Lando start rubbing my wrists. I push his hands away. He can't see my scars, not now. He looks at me weird. 'Whats wrong, why do u push away my hands? U don't love me?' Lando says. 'No no no, thats not it.' I roll up the sleeve of my hoodie and show Lando my wrists. 'Baby! Why didn't u tell me earlier, I could helped u!' Lando pushes a kiss on the scars.

*buzz buzz* my phone buzzes. Its a call of my dad. 'I think I have to go.' I say to Lando. I get up and answer the call........
......'yeah I'm coming.'

'I'm gonna miss u' Lando whispers in my ears. 'I'm gonna miss u 2.' Lando let's me go and runs into the house. 'Wait here!' He shouts. I giggle. He comes back with some stuff. 'Here are: 3 hoodies, 5 shirts and...' he takes of his ring. 'My ring.' I see a tear rolling down his cheek. He grabs my hand and puts the ring on my finger. I chuckle. 'This isn't funny rose!' Lando says. 'How am I supposed to take these thing home?' I say giggling. He laughs. 'There u have a point. - 'I'll drive u home u can put ur bike in the back.'

'Here we are.' Lando stops the car and gets out. 'Thanks for bringing me home.' I give him a little kiss. 'Rosella di Biachi! Where the hell were u!' My mom shouts when she walks up to Lando and me. She raises her eyebrows when she sees me and Lando kissing. 'U are dating Lando Norris!' She says. I let Lando go and nod. 'Why didn't u tell me?' She asks and tries to act nice. 'Mom, leave me the fuck alone, u never are nice to me, never! So leave! U won't even support me if I would have told u!' I shout against my mom. When I'm done shouting I put my hand against my mouth. 'I am so so sorry.' Again tears are filling my eyes. My mom walks away. I look at Lando. 'I'm sorry  I act liked that, its just...' 'its okay.' Lando interrupts me. He hugs me. 'I love you Rose.' A smile appears on my face. 'That sounds nice when u say that.' I say. 'And I love u to.' Lando puts a kiss on my haid. Fernando shouts. 'One last kiss love birds! We have to leave!' Lando chuckles. 'Are u jealous u don't have a girl anymore.' The smile of Fernando his face disappears 'I hate u Lando!' He shouts and gets back inside. I put my lips against Lando his lips. 'I'll call or text u every day, I swear!' Lando puts two fingers up and spits on the floor. I chuckle. 'U are gross.' I hug Lando. 'We really need to go!' Fernando shouts again. I let Lando go. 'I'm gonna miss u.' I say to him. 'I'm gonna miss u to.' Lando puts one last kiss on my head. I turn around and walk to the door. Lando waves at me when I turn back around. Tears start filling my eyes. When Lando turns around and walks back to his cars I start crying. I run to him. 'I can't do this Lando.' He turns around. I out my head against my chest. 'Its for 1 year, when u graduate u can come back here.' I nod. He puts a kiss on my lips. 'I think u really should go.'

I call Chelsey. 'What!!! No ur not going.' 'I have to, I'm leaving....' what the hell, my phone died. 'Shit!' I shout. 'Rose! We're leaving.' Fernando shouts upstairs. I quick grab some last things and put them in my backpack. I take my pictures of the wall and put them in. 'I'm gonna miss u guys.' I whisper.

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