Chapter 3

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'So where's ur house?' Lando asks when we're on our way. I give him the right directions and we drive to my home. 'Impressive.' Lando says when we arrive. Yeah okay our hose is kinda big and has a huge garden with a gate, but is it that Impressive? I laugh. 'Is it that big?' He laughs. I get out of the car. He rolls down the window. 'It was fun.' He says. I put a strand of hair behind my ears. 'Yeah it was.'  'See you, Rose.' He says. 'My name actually is Rosella, but I don't like it.' He raises his eyebrows. 'Why?! I love it.' I smile shyly. 'Text me when you're home.' NoNoNo, why did I say that, its an automatism, I always say it to friends when they leave. Lando chuckles. 'I'll do, see you.' He rolls down the window. I wave at him and walk to our house.

'Im home!' I shout and walk to the living room. 'Sit down please.' My mom says. My parents look kinda nervous and really uncomfortable. I look at my brother. 'Whats wrong?' I ask and sit down. My mom and dad look at each other. Mom grabs my hand. 'So ehm... dad and I are getting a divorce.' I raise my eyebrows. 'What!' Fernando shouts. 'Why?' I ask, I feel tears burning in my eyes. 'Your mom and I are fighting a lot and yeah...' I get up, run to my room and lock the door. I fall on the bed and start crying. After a few minutes I fall asleep.

Wait what time is it? And why am I sleeping with my clothes on. I grab my phone. Its 12.32 am. Lando texted me. 'I'm home safe.' A smile appears on my face

Lando Norris: I'm home safe.
Lando Norris: How was "the talk"?
Me: it sucked

I text him back and put on my sleeping clothes. I decide to text Chelsey, she needs to know.

Me: hey, can we ft?
Chelsey❤: yeah sure! Whats wrong?

I push FaceTime.
'No way!' Chelsey shouts. Tears are all over my face. 'Do I need to come over?' She asks. 'No no, I'm fine, get some sleep, school is tomorrow.' She smiles 'okay, see u tomorrow.' And ends the call. My phone busses.

Lando Norris: ohw, whats wrong?
Me: can I ft u?
Lando Norris: yeah sure!

I take a quick look in to the mirror. I look horrible, I don't care, if he likes me at my best he also have to like me at my worse. I push FaceTime

'Hey, whats wrong.' A smile appears on my face when I see him. But when he asks what wrong tears start burning in my eyes again. 'Are u okay?' He asks. I nod. 'Kinda.' 'Whats wrong?' He asks again. 'My ehm.. my parents are.... getting a divorce.' I stare at my legs. There are tears all over my pants. 'Ahwww no! That really sucks, but its gonna be okay, yeah?' He looks at me with a little smile to give me some hope. I press my lips in a tin line. 'I hope so.' Comes out of my mouth in a soft voice. Tears start rolling down my face. 'Do u want me to come over?' Lando asks. 'My dad will completely freak out when he sees we're dating.' Omg what did I just say, I literally said we're dating. Errr, I'm so stupid maybe he doesn't even like me, maybe I'm just a friend. He chuckles. 'So we're dating huh?' He raises his eyebrows and smiles at me. I smile really shy. 'No, Yeah, I am ehm... we ehmm...' I say really awkward. 'no yeah sure, we're dating now, if you're okay with that ofcourse.' A smile appears on my face. 'Yeah ofcourse, but u still can't come over, my dad and brother are huge F1 fans.' He laughs. 'I can sneak in?' He raises his eyebrows. How can a man be so cute and hot and funny at the same time! 'We have camera's everywhere!' I say. He looks at me with puppy eyes. 'Pwease?' Ahww he is adorable, like so freaking adorable. I sight. 'Okay than, text me when you're here and park your car down the street.' He smiles. 'Already on my way.' He shows his keys. I end the call. Crappp, I run to the bathroom and fix my makeup. Can I wear those clothes? Ik wearing a really oversized hoodie and some sport shorts. 'I can live with it.' I say and walk downstairs as soft as possible.

My phone buzzes.
Lando Norris: im here
Me: okay I'll open the gate and turn of the cameras so u can walk to the front door okay?
Lando Norris: all clear officer
Me: hahaha

I open the front door and wait there for Lando. When I see him walking towards me I immediately get a smile on my face. Lando hugs me. 'Ur okay?' He gently grabs my face. Again I feel tears falling my eyes. I put my head against his chest. He hugs me tight. 'Maybe we should go inside cuz I'm freezing.' I chuckle.

'Please don't mind the mess, I didn't expect anyone to come over.' I whisper when we walkt to my room. 'You cal this a mess?' He says. I giggle. I fall down on my bed. 'Im so tired.' Lando put out his shoes and lays down next to me. 'We could watch a movie?' He says friendly. 'Yeah sure.' I get up, grab my laptop and connect my airpods. 'Here u go.' I hand him an airpod and start a movie. It feels kinda awkward there's so much space between us, there could be literally be a person between us. When that thought travels trough my head Lando sits next to me and wraps his arm around me. A warm wave goes through my body. The last time someone did this to me was with Mason. A tear drops on his hand. 'Hey, it's okay to cry.' He wraps his arms around me and hugs me tight. 'Its gonna be alright, okay?' 'Its not! He's never gonna come back.' I say a little mad. I scare of my own reaction. 'I'm sorry, I didn't mean it on that way.' He smiles at me. 'Its okay.' I bite the inside of my cheek. Again for the thousands time today tears start burning in my eyes. Lando pushes me against his chest. The fabric of his shirt gets wet, but he doesn't care.

*beep beep* *beep beep* I rub in my eyes en try to turn on my other side, but I'm in the arms of Lando. Crappp we must fallen asleep last night. I softly take of his arms of me and get out of the bed. I grab a baggy jeans and a black shirt out of my closet and put them on. I sit down behind my desk and do my makeup. I hear Lando moving in my bed. I turn back to the bed. 'Morning.' Lando says in his sleepy voice. His hair is al messy and he looks really sleepy. He looks so cute with his hair al a mess and his voice is incredible hot. 'Morning.' I chuckle. Lando gets out of bed. 'Can I have breakfast here? Or am I gonna be killed by ur parents?' He says smiling. 'U can have breakfast here, safe, they're not home.' He smiles and falls down back on the bed. I continue doing my makeup,

'I can bring u at school if u want?' Lando asks when we're having breakfast. 'No u don't have to, its okay, I'll go on my bike.' He looks at me weird. 'Ur sure?' I nod. 'What people gonna think when U drop me off at school?' I say. 'They probably gonna think ur my boyfriend.' He pushes his lips into a tin line. 'I don't care.' He says. I look up into his eyes. A smile is on his face. 'What are they gonna do about it?' I smile. 'Okay than.' I look at my phone for the time. 'We need to leave in 5 minutes so I'm gonna grab my bag.' I get up. 'I'll clean this.' Lando says while picking up our plates. I walk upstairs and grab my stuff. My phone buzzes. Fernando sent me a picture, its a picture of me sleeping in Lando his arms. (Check media for the pic)

Me: please don't tell mom and dad.
Fernando: who is that guy?

Pfeew he didn't recognise Lando

Me: doesn't matter
Fernando: it does!
Me: just a guy I met, nothing more.
Fernando: it does like more.

I ignore Fernando and walk downstairs. 'Let's go.' I say. Lando grabs his key and we walk to his car. 'What time you're done?' Lando asks. 'Ehm... 2 o'clock.' I say while checking my lessons. ' it stays quiet for a while. 'When is ur next race?' I ask. 'Next weekend so I leave on a Monday.' He says.

'Have fun.' Lando gives me a quick hug. I get out the car and Lando drives away. Chelsey and a few others walk towards me. 'Who was that?' Someone asks. 'You don't need to know.' I say and walk to the toilet.

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