Chapter 5

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'Buongiorno.' Lando whispers. A smile appears on my face when I feel his strong arms wrapped around my body, his slow breath in my neck, when I hear his heart beating, when I hear his morning voice. He presses a kiss on my head. 'Buongiorno.' I say tired. I turn on my side to Lando's face. His smile dissappears when he sees my face. 'Are u okay?' He asks. 'Kinda, my stomach hurts and my head is gonna explode.' He chuckles. I get out of bed. 'I'm going to get a paracetamol.' I say. I grab Lando's hoodie of a chair, put it on and walk to the kitchen. I hear Lando yawning, he turns on his other side and falls asleep again. Such a cutie
'Morning.' I jump in the air. 'Jeez Fernando up scaring me.' I turn to him. Shit, shit, shit Fernando is home early. 'Can I use ur shower, mine is broken.' - 'yeah sure.' Wait no he can't. 'I mean no, u can't, I was about to use it.' He sights. 'Come on.' I walk back to my room. I close my door a little to hard. Lando turns around, spread his arms. I chuckle and lay into his arms. My head against his chest, it feels like home. He presses a kiss on my cheek. 'What the fuck!' Lando let me go immediately. I turn around. Fernando is standing in my room. 'Why are u cuddling with Lando Norris.' He says kinda freaking out. 'Fernando can u leave.' I ask. He shakes his head. 'No first u need to explain.' I sight. 'Lando and I met 2 weeks ago, now u can leave?' He shakes his head again. 'So he's ur boyfriend?' I hesitate. 'Ehm.... I... ehm.... future boyfriend?' I look questioning at Lando. He smiles. 'Okay, now all the smiling at ur phone, and random hoodies make sense.' Fernando laughs and leaves my room. Lando tickles my side. 'Future boyfriend.' He tries to imitate my voice. 'Lando stopp!! Thats not even how I sound.' He laughs. 'It is.' Lando continues tickling me. This is the first time a real smile appears on my face in a long time. 'Lando!' Before I realise Lando hangs above me and pushes my wrists against my bed. Okay this is kinda hot, not gonna lie. 'So I'm ur future boyfriend.' He says with a grin on his face. I feel my cheeks getting red. I chuckle. 'U heard me well, mister Norris.' I try to escape but Lando holds me tight. 'Can u please let me go.' I ask scared at Lando. He let me go and I run to the toilet and start puking. Someone grabs my hair and gets it out of my face. I feel a kiss being pressed in my neck. 'Are u okay?' I turn to Lando. Tears are in my eyes. I shake my head. We sit down on the bathroom floor. Lando wraps his arm around me. 'Maybe u should take a shower, and after that we can watch a movie?' He says. I nod. 'Sounds good.' We get up. I grab some clean clothes and take a shower.

Lando put some candles on my desk and sit down on the bed. 'What are we gonna watch?' He asks. 'Ehm... that is a really good question.' I chuckle. Lando puts on 'drive to survive' 'whats this?' I ask. 'Yeah this is a Netflix serie about 'my life.' He says.

'Rose!' Fernando shouts. 'What do you want?' I ask when he walks in my room. 'Emy is getting over tonight so can u please go to Lando's house?' He asks. 'No, why?' 'Emy is getting over and she wants me to make dinner etcetera.' I look at Lando. 'Yeah sure.' He says. 'Can I sleep at urs?' He nods. 'If dad comes home u can say I'm at Lando.' He nods. 'Wait dad already knew?' I chuckle 'of course! But don't tell mom, she's gonna kill me.' He rolls his eyes and walks away.

'How do u feel?' Lando asks when we get in his car. 'I don't know, not a lot better.' He lays his hand on my leg, smiles and drives away.
'So ehm.... this is where I live.' He opens the door of an apartment. 'I share it with 3 other guys, so don't mind the mess.' I chuckle. 'It looks good here.' I turn to him and give him a smile. Lando walks to a door and opens it. 'So this is my room.' It has a huge bed and a desk with a few monitors on it. In the corner his simulator stands. The walls are with with some painting on it. 'Its a huge mess.' I say laughing. He laughs to. 'So u aren't blind.' He says. I fall down on the bed. 'What time is it?' I asks Lando. He checks his watch. '10.30pm.' He says. I yawn. 'Is it okay if I'm gonna sleep, I'm really tired and my head hurts like a mother Fucker.' He chuckles. 'Yeah sure no problem, the rest will be home in an hour.' Lando leave the room. I quick grab some sweatpants out of my bag and a hoodie out of Lando's mess. I get under the sheets, put my phone on the charger and fall asleep.

~Lando Norris POV~
'Bro wake up! Its 12.30.' Thom shouts when he walks in my room. I let Rose go and turn to him. I put my finger against my lips. He spread his eyes. 'There. Is. A. Girl.' He says softly and runs away. When he comes back the rest of the boys stands next to him. They al spread there eyes. 'There is a freaking girl in Lando's bed, that the first time.' I start blushing. Next to me I feel Rose turning on her other side. A cute smile is on her face. She opens her eyes and yawns. 'Morning.' She says. Her cheeks get really red when she realises there are 4 boys looking at her. I chuckle. 'So ehm... this are Thom, Boaz and Luc.' She smiles friendly at him. 'And guys this is Rose.' I say. She sits up. The boy leave my room. 'Goodmorning.' I say and put a kiss on her forehead. 'Morning.' She says and yawns again. 'How did u sleep?' I ask. 'Really good, but my stomach hurts like shit.' I laugh and get out of bed. Rose also get up. 'O my god, I am so so sorry.' I see her eyes getting filled with tears. I look at the bed. There is a blood stain on it. Tears are rolling down her cheek. I give her a hug. 'Hey, its okay, u can't do anything about u period, I'll wash the sheets and get some tampons, u can shower is u want.' I wipe away a tear of her face. She nods and leans her head against my chest.
'Guy ill be right back, Rose is showering so don't get in my room or the bathroom, thanks!' I yell while getting my keys. 'Where are u going?' Boaz asks. 'To the store Rose needs something.' I say kinda awkward. He raises his eyebrows. 'Aahhh I get it.' I put on my shoes and leave.

Why are there that many sort of tampons, Jezus christ. 'Ma'am?' I tap a woman's shoulder. She turns around. 'My girl..... my friend needs tampons, and I don't know with one, can u help me?' I ask. 'I don't work here, but yeah sure.' I smile at her. The smile of the woman reminds me of Rose. It kinda looks like the same.
'Thanks for helping me out.' I say to the woman and go to the cashier. After I paid I get back in my car. When I want to start my car the woman knocks the door. I roll down the window. 'You're Lando Norris right?' She asks. I nod. 'Can u sign this, my son is a huge fan.' I nod again. 'Yeah sure no problem, what's his name?' 'Fernando.' The woman says. I sign the paper and give it back. 'Here u go.' The woman smiles at me. 'Thank u very much.' She says. 'No problem.'

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