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I went with Thor to meet with Valkyrie at New Asgard to talk about the future of the town.

"So, when can we expect you back?" Valkyrie asks.

"Uhhmm... about that..." Thor drifted off.

"Thor. Your people need a king"

"No, they already have one"

"That's funny. You're being serious?"

Thor nods his head. "It's time for me to be who I am rather than who I'm supposed to be. But you, you're a leader. That's who you are"

"You know I'd make a lot of changes around here"

"I'm counting on it. Your Majesty"

"What will you do?"

"I'm not sure. For the first time in a thousand years, I... I have no path. I do have a ride, though"

"Move it or lose it, hairbag," Rocket shouted from the ship.

"Valkyrie, I know you'll lead the people to a great future," I tell her.

She nods with a smile and walked back to the town. Thor went to walk to the ship but I stopped him.

"I love you, I think I have since we were kids. And I don't need you to live my life, but I need you to understand that this is my life. I want to be with you, I want to come home to you"

Thor smiled and hugged me tightly. "Come on, our ship awaits us"

"Our ship?" I repeat with a chuckle as we walked towards Rocket's ship.


I was over at Peter's apartment just hanging out. We were watching a movie in the living room, but I accidentally spilled some pop on my shirt. I quickly stood up, trying not to get it on the couch. Peter got up and hurried to his room, running out with something in his hand.

"Here, you can keep it," he said, trying to hand me a shirt. I wouldn't take it.

"Are you sure?"

"It's my favourite shirt"

"That makes me want to take it even less"

"I want to give it to you"

I slowly took it from him, staring at it. "Why?"

"Because... it'll show others you're mine," he said with a blush, making me blush.

I went to the bathroom to change then went back to sitting on the couch to watch the movie. I brought my legs up on the couch, spreading them out to the left, then leaned against Peter, who was sitting on my right.

He awkwardly wrapped his arm around me and I chuckle, leaning into him a little more.


It was maybe only a week after the whole battle and Saga and I had been asked to show up for a press conference about some of the things that happened.

"The man who saved us, who gave his life for us, he isn't a super soldier, a skilled assassin, a time traveler, not gifted with powers, not a god, he doesn't even have magic," I paused, a tear falling down my cheek. "He was just a human, with a big brain and even bigger heart"

Saga and I switched places, me now standing to the side, wiping the tears from my eyes, Saga getting ready to speak.

"I will not, by any means, be the new Tony Stark. No one will ever be able to become him. However, with the secret I'll tell you shortly, I'll do my best to protect the world like he did"

I went up to her and covered the mic with my hand, whispering. "Are you sure about this? You don't have to tell them, it can remain a secret"

"I have to. I don't want to be left with anything else on my chest, I need to say this before I do something wrong"

I nodded and moved away. Saga looked back at the crowd and took a deep breath.

"As most of you know, there's a hero called Legacy. She wasn't around long because of the blip. That hero has decided to reveal her identity," she looked down as she continued. "Just like her father did before her. The truth is..." she looked up, her eyes staring at me.

It reminded me of when Tony revealed his secret. In front of the press, to the whole world, but his focus wasn't on that. It was only on me. Just like how Saga's attention was on her mother figure as she revealed her secret.

"I am Legacy"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2021 ⏰

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