Chapter One

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It all started when Alice decided to go on a walk. She was only around the corner when we heard her terrified scream. Since we live at the top of the hill, it took us a little while to get down the seemingly long street and then around the corner. It only took less than a minute, but that's a lot of time in an emergency. It was only then that Charles and I realized, heaven gained an angel.

I should probably introduce myself. My name is Cole Alph. I wasn't born into that name, I was an orphan when my parents found me. They usually don't pay much attention to it though. My parents Doug and Amy were always protective of me. I'm now 17, I was 7 when I was adopted into their lives.

Doug, my step father, is quite a tall man. About 6 and a 1/2 feet tall. He always wears clothes that are a size too big, with loafers that always fit seemingly right. His short, dirty blonde hair is always just a little greasy in the front from his expensive hair gel. So that way his shortish bangs aren't in the way of his blue eyes.

My step mother, Amy, however, always seemed to have a completely different appearance than her husband's. She is about 1 and a half feet shorter than Doug. She wears loose clothing, but tight enough to see her barely visible curves. Her dark brown hair is always up in a high ponytail or a messy clipped bun. But her big brown eyes are what you really notice. They're so soft, always. Except when she's angry. Then they turn to a dark rust color.

Anyway, when Charles and I saw a dark figure quickly run away from Alice's motionless body, I could see it in Charles's eyes that he was furious and so sad. You see, Charles was best friends with Alice. They knew each other since preschool. For Charles to see her bloody body on the sidewalk, it was pretty rough. It was rough for me too, I've been her friend for about 10 years, and we were also pretty close. But the pain I was feeling was probably not as bad as Charles's. Charles knelt beside Alice and picked up her head. Her beautiful blue eyes were still open, staring back at us. I was staring back while leaning over Charles's shoulder. I brushed her short blonde hair off of her face, then closed her eyes.

"She's really gone," Charles said miserably. "She's really, really gone."

"Who would do this to her? To anyone!" I yelled.

"Whoever did this, is gonna pay," Charles said. He had this look in his eyes, the kind of look you see in a mad scientist's eyes.

"They'll be paralyzed from the neck down once I'm through with them," I mumbled.

Then, out of the blue, Amy and Doug, my mom and dad, were there. I guess I was so hypnotized by sadness and anger, all I noticed was Alice and Charles.

"What's happening h-" Amy said. She noticed the blood trickling out from underneath Alice's back.

I looked up at her and shook my head softly.

"That's not true," Amy said dramatically. "If this is some sort of sick trick, I hate it. Stop it right now. Alice, the joke is over, Alice get up!"

"Don't you get it? She's gone!" Charles yelled.

"If she's really gone, then we should call 911," Doug suggested.

"You're probably right," I said. "Doug, do you mind go getting the phone?" I didn't want to just leave Alice right after her death.

"Yeah, I'll get it." It didn't seem like he was in shock, then again he never really approved of her for some reason. Then again, my parents were really protective of me.

"Faster!" I yelled up the hill to him. I could feel Alice get even colder as I touched her forehead. All three of us stared at her, waiting for the ambulance to come pick her up.
Alice had been murdered.

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