Chapter Four

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The same night I had made my plan, I dreamt.

It was pitch black. No one was there but me, and something cold. I felt it with my left hand. There wasn't anything on my right side. So I studied the cold object with just the feeling of my left hand like a blind man. It was on a stool. I felt that there was a flat surface of the cold thing, with a few bulging lines. Veins? I felt it more. On one side, there wasn't anything but a texture of something that might have been ripped off. The other side was smooth. But the last two sides I felt, was what made me realize what this, object, was. I felt one, two, three, four, five. Five nubs. At the end of each nub, there seemed to be a hole, like a bone was ripped out of its socket. Which it was. It was a dead hand. I screamed and fell back on my rear from fright. The hand fell with me. No one was here?! There had to be. I can't be the only one in this pitch black dimension who felt a dead hand. Was I?

"I see you can't handle it," a deep, raspy voice had said. It sounded male. The voice was next me.

"W-Who's there? W-What's happening?" I yelled. I was lying next to the hand. Which felt like it was oozing blood now. Bleeding over me. Was the hand now hovering over me?

"I am nothing more than your self conscious. You are trying to know what happened to Alice, no?" The voice had somehow gotten a little deeper. And was above my head. Where the hand was.

"D-Do you know what h-happened to h-her? Please, please tell me!" I was willing to beg this stranger. Anything for my friends.

"Of course not you fool! I am you! I know nothing more than you do. Except one thing. You are trapped in your own state of mind. You know this, so I know this. But you just don't want to believe it."

It was still black. Was I blind?
"Look, I-I don't know what's
h-happening. If you're r-really my s-self conscious, w-what am I thinking?" I asked stupidly.

"You are thinking that I am frightening. Well if I am, how can you even see yourself in the mirror everyday? I am you. But the true you." Great. Wise words from myself, to myself.
"I-I believe you, or myself, or whatever. J-Just leave me alone!" I was still scared from this creature. This couldn't be the true me. Could it?

"As I wish." Right after that, my alarm went off.

I woke in a cold sweat. Was I really scared of my own self? It doesn't matter right now. My plan was in motion.

I knew that my mom always woke up early to make breakfast. But she wouldn't wake this early. I also knew that her purse was always on the small table next to the door when not in use. I awoke at 5:30 that morning. I had to get ready quietly. My parents were heavy sleepers, but were always awoken by sounds that were made by a human. Strange people they are.

As I crept down the hall, I noticed that there was a light on in the kitchen. My dad was awake.

He furrowed his eyebrows at me. "What are you doing up? Why are you dressed?" He asked me curiously.

"I'm going to jog for awhile. You know, to get my mind off of everything." I added a few tears for a dramatic effect.

He started walking away back to his room. "Well, it's cold out this morning, and I only got up for some water. So I'm going back to bed. Don't get into any trouble!" He was obviously trying to catch on to everything I was planning to do. Was it that obvious?

When I heard the bedroom door click shut, I started going through my mom's purse. It wasn't that hard to find the evidence. It was right on the top of everything else. I grabbed the pictures, shoved them in my jacket pocket, and walked out the door to meet Charles.

Hey lovelies! I love to see so many of you reading my story! If you follow, I might come and read your stories. (I will always follow back btw) Please keep reading, and recommend my book!
~ A_Writes

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