Chapter Seven

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The morgue was a strange and ghostly place. Bodies were tucked away in metal slots in the wall. It was cold too, probably to keep the corpses from rotting.

There's a wheeled aluminum table in front of you on the other side of the room that's covered in strange tools. To your left is a table, where the autopsies are performed. No one was there but us and the guard.

The guard was a normal height man. With a name tag that read "Smith". He stood straight up and held his two big hands in front. He had black hair that was spiked in the front, and two dark green eyes.He had muscles, but nothing major. Just enough so you could see that he went to the gym.

He watched us move with those green eyes of his. I really didn't want to move, but Charles searched.

Charles started walking around the table of tools. "Get away from there," said the guard. That was the first time I heard him talk. A deep manly voice is what he had. It was actually very intimidating.

"I'm just looking." Charles put his hands up but kept searching. What was he looking for? More evidence? It could be useful.

"I said get away from there!" The guard took his attention off of me for a moment. Now was my chance to sneak. I start my way over to the wall of corpses. "You were lucky you even got down here, Libt. Don't push your luck." Charles put his hands to his side and looks at him. "How do you know my name?"

The guard smirks. "What? You don't think I don't know the names of who Alice's friends are?" He chuckled.

I'm still looking for Alice's name on one of the metal boxes. No luck so far. Meanwhile, Charles was about to do something he would not regret.

He clenched his fists. "You better shut your mouth." Charles spoke through his teeth. Once again, he had mad scientist eyes.

"Don't you tell me what to do. I'm the adult wearing a badge and stun gun." The guard didn't know that Charles was quick, and was caught off guard when Charles lunged forward and pinned him against the wall.

"Let go of me!" The guard thrashed about attempting to reach for his stun gun, but Charles grabbed it and threw it across the floor.

"Never talk about Alice like that!" Charles was nose to nose with him. "Now, tell us what you know about the case."

The guard just stared at him with a straight face. He wasn't going to talk that easily. But Charles knew he shouldn't go too far.

Charles let go, but made sure the guard wouldn't be able to reach the stun gun or hurt me or Charles.

"I apologize. I wasn't thinking. But please, sir, do you know anything about what happened to her?" Charles used innocent eyes.

"The only reason I won't turn you in for attacking a police officer, is because I like your spunk, kid. Alright, I'll tell you what I know. The doctor that had done her autopsy is named Dr. Bakkell. He knows what you want to know." The guard looked back at me.

"I know you were trying to find her. She's right over there. In the top corner." He pointed to the very last row on the right. On the side of the wall that was closest to the corner, on the top of another metal coffin, written on plastic-covered paper, read 'Alice Winstill'.

I read her name over and over again. I never thought I would even read it once. I looked away from the wall of corpses, and turned to the guard.

"Where can we find this doctor?"

"He's working in the Emergency Room today. But if you really need time to talk to him, wait until lunch."

"Lunch? That's in a few hours. We can't wait that long." This seemed to get more complicated by the moment.

The guard shrugged and shook his head. "Then try to catch him when he's walking around. But if you want to go into the Emergency Room, I suggest that you two wear face masks."

Just then, his pager beeped. He listened. I couldn't understand it, because it was all muffled through static. He seemed to translate what the other voice had said, and told us to follow him back upstairs.

I'm sorry I haven't written in awhile lovelies! I promise I'll try harder to write faster, better, and more. Please keep reading, and please recommend my story for others to read!!! Also, please start to comment and/or vote (but no hate)! It really helps!

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