Chapter Eight

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Halfway through the walk to upstairs, the guard stopped and turned around to us.

"Listen, boys. This doctor is a big deal in this community. He's one of the top three in this hospital, and specializes in many medical things. Just don't ruin your own chances of knowing what you want to know." The guard looked down at us, even though we were just a few inches shorter than he was.

Charles looked at me. He gave me a look that I've never seen before. His face was blank, but his eyes were sharp. His hands were relaxed, but his shoulders tense. I couldn't tell what he was thinking. What was he thinking? His expression started to scare me.

"Sir," he hesitated. "I appreciate all of your help. I formally apologize for the way I acted back down at the morgue." He hesitantly whispered the word 'morgue'.

The guard looked surprised. He must not have expected such treatment after the tense battle between Charles and him.

Charles gave him a slight "smart ass" smirk, with an added single eyebrow lift. Oh, the expression on the guard's face was priceless.

"You kids better not be up to something." Another conversation started to strike up between the guard and his transmitter. The guard turned so his back was to us again and walked faster up the stairs. We followed.

"Cole." Charles whispered.



"Why would I run?" I said in a hushed yell. "From what?"

"Do you trust me Cole?"


"Then run."

There was a small enough space for me to fit through between the guard, who was ahead of us by about 10 stairs, and the wall. I bolted upward feeling my legs quickly grow tired from the sudden burst of speed. The guard attempted to stop me by putting his arm out, making a human bar that I could've ran into. I didn't run into it though, I ducked and leaned forward, causing me to fall forward.

I rolled onto my right side, with my back partly on the wall and the rest of me sprawled on the stairs. I groaned as I started to get up, noticing the metallic taste of blood in my mouth. My tongue throbbed.

I heard Charles yell to me, "COLE! GET UP! GO!" But to me it was only a faint voice. All I could do was lay there, hearing the voices of my best friend and the guard. I must've hit my head, or maybe I just blackout a lot.

The guard was furious. He was about to officially out my lights out. "So you heard? You fucking little-"

Charles cut him off my punching him where the sun doesn't shine. The guard bent over in pain, giving us time to escape.

Charles and I ran up the rest of the stairs. When we reached the top we closed the door and ran to the bathroom to hide, with the guard outside questioning himself where we went.

Finally, a chance for this lunatic of a friend to explain everything. "Charles! What the hell? He wasn't going to do anything!" It hurt to talk, I guess I bit my tongue harder than I thought. I could feel the blood threaten to pour out of my mouth.

"Cole, you said you trusted me."

I spat the blood into the nearby sink, and looked in the mirror. I noticed that some blood did dribble down the side of my chin and onto my shirt, my teeth were tinted red, my hair was a mess, and my face pale. I turned back towards him. "I did! Until he tried to... to... Wait. How did you know he would attack? I mean, he's a guard or officer or whatever but for someone working in the hospital..."

"I told you to trust me. You said you did." Charles looked at me questioningly.

"Yeah, but trust isn't letting your best friend almost be killed by a maniac!"

"Dude, just shut up for a moment and listen! The guy isn't actually a guard, and that person on the other side of the transmitter? The guard works for him. I heard them talking about how to get us off their tails."

Who the are these people? Demons? "Kill us?" Was all I could manage.

"Yeah. That's why I wanted you to run, but you couldn't even manage that could you?"

"What? The man was going to kill me right there!"

"No he wasn't! They would never had killed you in public! They would've been caught, and no one would win."

Damn, did he just win this argument? It didn't matter anyway, the guard found us.

The guard was inside the bathroom now. I guess we were so caught upon arguing, we didn't notice him walk in. He stood on the doorway with his hands on either side of the door frame. "There you are," he said while staring at us dead in the eye, a small devilish smirk on his face.

Hey lovelies! I finally published this! Screw the fact that this was a really short chapter considering the two months I've worked on it. Then again in total it probably took about a half hour to write it. Anyway, please keep reading, and sorry for the wait!

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