Chapter Ten

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||WARNING: Plenty of swearing.||

I ran until I couldn't breathe. But where was that exactly? Out of the room, through the waiting area, past the hospital doors, and through the parking lot to the trees.

I doubled over with exhaustion. And the feeling of nausea.

Stomach acid and some of last nights dinner went all over a tree stump. I watched as an angry chipmunk ran away from the remnants of my vomit. I felt sorry for it. Imagine if some giant just threw up all over your house?

Disgusted with my own creation, I walked a little distance to where another stump lay. I sat down, trying to figure out what the hell just happened.

I never would've guessed that they were a couple. My two best friends? Fucking behind my back? Did Alice know? She had to know. She was carrying the baby for goodness sake! But, what about Charles? That fucking idiot. Did he know he had a kid? We're seventeen! None of us have finished school yet! I swear the next time time I see him I'm gonna-

"Cole! Cole, where are you?"

I heard Charles yell my name, trying to figure where I was. I didn't want to see him.

I stayed silent.

"Cole! I know you're in the woods."

When I was younger, around 10 or 11, I used to hang out in the woods a lot. I just liked to sit on that one specific branch, that wasn't too close or too far from my house, and think. I brought Charles there occasionally, knowing that he liked to watch the birds and hunt for the crazily colored caterpillars. I never really brought Alice there, only because she talked a lot. She didn't like it when things were too quiet. It's not that I didn't like talking to her, I just liked having an escape. The woods were my escape.

Too bad Charles knew that.

I knew he was getting closer when I heard a faint 'ew'. He found my upchuck.

I didn't want to give myself away, but I wanted him to know that I was not in the mood to see him.

"Go away, Charles."

The trees were all close together, he'd have to look behind every one just to find me. Except for the fact that he was only a few trees away.

"Cole? Cole! I just heard you!"

The closer he got, the more I wanted to punch his face.

"Go the fuck away Charles."

He didn't say anything else. Mostly because he was able to hear my voice more clearly, and searched harder. Eventually, he found me on my stump.

I gritted my teeth. Couldn't he get the fucking hint? Considering I practically gave him the answer?

"What the hell Charles? I told you to go away. You got Alice pregnant. You were going to have a kid. You ignorant little bastard."

Charles furrowed his eyebrows slightly together, his eyes wide open with disbelief.

"That's not fair."

I didn't think it was possible to be this mad.

I got up and started to slowly walk towards him. "What? It's not fair? How about Alice? Was it unfair that she got pregnant because some bozo fucked her? Was it fair that she was going to have a baby that she didn't want? Was it fair that she was murdered? Honestly!" I threw my hands up in disgust. "How could you think life's been unfair to you?" I poked his chest. "If anything, Alice is the one who has been treated roughly by life." I yelled in his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2015 ⏰

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