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The ship wasn't abandoned

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The ship wasn't abandoned.

"Shit!" Nova shouts as she jumps out of the way, the razor-sharp spear grazing her arm, making her let out a hiss.

They had found the spaceship in pieces, what used to be a small home with a grand engine now a habitat for the animals that lived on this planet. After inspecting it from the outside, Captain Leona had deemed it safe for the team to enter and scavenge for any useful items that they might be able to use, or better yet, sell. Everything had been fine, silent, up until the moment the men, lying in wait for them, had jumped out from the shadows, surrounding the group of seven.

One of the masked men moves forward, pulling down the handkerchief covering his mouth and nose, "Well, well, who do we have here?"

Captain Leona says nothing, her team ready to jump into a fight at her command. One wrong move from their captors and they would pull out their weapons - but for now, just as they had promised long ago, they would stand still and do as little harm as possible. It wasn't that they were scared to fight back, but because they had taken a bow long ago against inflicting unnecessary pain, especially if there is a possibility that things can be sorted out with words, especially if starting a fight might mean one of their own could get hurt.

"My name is Captain Leona, this is Commander Nova and the rest are my crew. To whom do I have the honor of speaking?"

Leona isn't one to speak sarcastically, but when she is put in a tight spot, it is usually her way of distracting the opponent, along with serving as a warning to her team about the possibility of a fight. Everything they did was planned, every move and action a hidden meaning only the members of Selina know.

The man smirks, stepping forward and grabbing Leona's chin, trying to pull her to his height - not very effectively since she is taller than him and a lot stronger -, "I am your worst nightmare, miss Lion. And these men, they are your worst fears,"

"How many times has that line actually worked?" Commander Nova asks, leaning against her long-sword - a simple weapon at first glance, but it hides a much stronger power - smirking herself as she cocks her head at the man trying to intimidate her Captain.

Just as Nova had expected, the man turns towards her, his tall frame shadowing over her, "Every," he starts, emphasizing each word as he inches towards her, "fucking," his face is millimeters from hers, "time," he finished, spitting on her face.

The men around them laugh, Commander Nova slowly wiping off the warm liquid that now covers her cheek. She doesn't say anything though, the knowledge that her distraction worked enough to suppress her need to act out and fight back.

"What do you want?" Captain Leona asks, crossing her arms as she stares down at the men in front of her, annoyance playing on her face as she tries to keep it as neutral as possible.

The men stop laughing, the leader turning back towards the Captain of Selina, "We want your ship, and any valuables you have on you. Except for the sword, that looks rusty as hell," He spits towards Nova, but instead of landing on the strawberry-blonde girl, it lands on a young boy who is now standing before her, his face filled with fury, one which he quickly covers up once Nova tugs at his sleeve.

A loud bang is heard, the noise loud enough to scare all the living animals in the area, as well as the men surrounding the team of seven - six, now.

Their plan was always the same with these sorts of interventions. Distract them for as long as they could while Maristela, the youngest and most agile of the group, escaped and got the spaceship ready for flight.

"What the h-"

"Let's go!" Captain Leona shouts over the noise, her hand squeezing Commander Nova's shoulder for a second, "Good luck,". She moves her hands to quickly form a circle over her chest, pushing outwards as her fingers move apart - the same way Tarak had done when trying to describe the death of a star. Ever since that day, all the members of the team had decided to adopt this as a good luck gesture, and despite its original meaning, it had always brought just that.

"I don't need luck," Nova smirks, turning around and facing the men - eleven if she doesn't count the skeleton in the corner, probably a passenger of this very ship who had died during the impact on this planet.

"They are trying to get away!" One of the men shouts. Nova targets him, her sword pointed towards him as she slides to the left, avoiding yet again another razor-sharp spear. Her sword buzzes, an electrical line shooting out of the end of it milliseconds later.

Commander Nova doesn't stop, using the time her sword needs to recharge to cut down on the string attached to the spear and pulling it out of the wall behind her, the weight making her wobble.

Pain sears through Nova's chest, blood slowly soaking into her clothing as she falls on her knees, tears filling her eyes as she tries to stop the blood from seeping out.

"Get me the sword, and let's get out of here," A faraway voice commands.

Nova wants to scream, but she can hardly breathe as it is, her body slowly shutting down and falling towards the ground. She had stolen the sword from her father, a family heirloom from her mother's side which she had taken after her father had forced his wife to enter the arena barely two weeks after giving birth to Nova's youngest sister. Her mother had died that night, and Nova's trust in her father had disappeared just as fast as life had vanished from her mother's eyes.

Forcing herself to turn around, Commander Nova makes herself lie sideways, her breathing shallower as seconds go by. Her only hope is for her teammates to find her and save her, if possible before death decides she wants to take away forever.

Footsteps approach her, shiny shoes appearing in front of her eyes, "Finally, I have found you,"

Darkness is taking over Nova's vision, black spots appearing before her eyes as she slowly closes them, her body begging her to fall into unconsciousness, to forget about the agony searing through her chest. But that voice -

A flash of pain makes her eyes suddenly open wide, her breathing catching in her throat as she finally takes in the silhouette of the man before her, pink liquid dripping from the syringe in his hand, "Let me take you home, daughter,"

This is possibly the first time I have ever written a chapter from an external point of view, but don't get used to it! The rest of the story should all be from the point of view of Nova, unless I change my mind further into the story. 

Question: If you could go and live on any planet in the Universe (without taking into account the distance or if you can even breathe on that planet), where would you go?

Personally, I think I would stay on planet Earth. I do love seeing new things, but I just feel like I haven't seen enough of our planet for me to be like 'Okay, let me move to the other side of the galaxy so that I can experience something new'. (Plus, I love meeting new people, so how would I get to do that if I went to another planet?)

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