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Three weeks

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Three weeks. That's how long I was supposed to stay out of the arena, how long the doctor had told me to take everything with ease and let me fully recover. Yet here I am, just a week after being discharged, my body hardly able to hold itself upright as I stand in front of the open doors that lead into the egg-shaped arena where Dignitoris train for competitions and tournaments.

Since my family has always been very prominent in this sport, my father had a full-sized arena constructed in our garden, the top of the spheric building creating a smooth hill in our backyard, where during winter my siblings and I would go sledging.

The family nurse, a friend of Father's, has checked me out and agrees with my father that I am now ready to start training, although he recommends I only do obstacle courses and don't get into the fighting aspect of the sport just yet.

"Are you ready?" My coach asks, walking towards me.

She is the same person who appears in the photo albums dad gave me, although she now has darker hair and seems to be quite heavily pregnant, her stomach bulging out at a weird angle. I haven't asked her how long she has left, nor have I even asked her if she is pregnant, but based on the conversation I overheard between Father and her, she must have about a month and a half - just enough time to get me trained in the basics and for me to start learning zero-gravity combat again.

"I think so. How... What does it feel like?" I ask, nearing the edge of the egg-shaped arena. The walls around the sphere-like area are made out of concrete except for where the observation circle is, a strip of glass circling around the arena. From where we are currently standing, I can just about see the seats behind the glass panels before me, the twenty meters separating both sides filled with differently shaped objects floating at zero gravity.

I have no recollection of ever being in a zero-gravity environment, but taking into account I have done this countless times, it shouldn't take very long for my body to readjust to the lack of pressure around me, the pull of Earth keeping me grounded and hindering my movements.

"It's amazing. You get to float without a care in the world, although one small push will take you a long way, and unless you find a way to stop yourself, you will slam into the opposite wall," She warns, staring out towards the arena. She seems to be distracted, almost in awe.

I nod, not really knowing what else to do as I step over the yellow line, "Do I just jump?"

"Oh, right! I'd forgotten you can't remember... Hopefully this helps you get some of your memory back. But no, no jumping. Just let your body float, and keep a hold on those," she points towards the handles surrounding the door, "or else you will just float off,"

I hold on to the nearest handle, my body starting to become tired from all the exertion I have already done today. I can now walk for a short period of time without being in excruciating pain, but I still get tired quite easily, my body still not fully recovered.

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