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"What if

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"What if... What if I no longer wanted to be a Dignitori?" I ask cautiously, my body a few feet away from Father just in case things turn south. I've been wanting to ask ever since I started training, and after the horrible training session I had today, I finally have the courage to ask. It's not that I do not enjoy floating around, moving from one side of the arena to the other - no, I actually quite enjoy not being locked into place by gravity - but I really don't like fighting. Punching each other, breaking arms and legs, twisting fingers out of place... That's not the kind of thing I currently consider fun, and after watching a few videos from myself in the past, I can't help but think that my old self thought the same.

Father's eyes focus on my own, squinting at me with what I can only describe as pure anger, the fire behind his eyes so bright it makes me stiffen, "You do want to be a Dignitori. You have always wanted to be one, you just can't remember your love towards the sport," he explains softly, although the slight edge behind his voice makes me gulp.

I remember my feelings towards my mother and siblings, towards the doctor and the coach, so why would I forget my feelings towards the sport? Or rather, why would the itch I get when thinking about myself being a Dignitori bring me a bad feeling?

"Keep taking your medicine, and I am sure you will soon get better,"

His answer isn't satisfying me, and after having a couple of mojitos - delicious alcoholic drinks I am so glad I have refound - my usual self-preservation is nowhere in sight.

"But what would happen if I didn't want to be a Dignitori? Indulge me," I ask again in a joking manner. I know my father won't take kindly to my suggestion but I want to know - need to know - in order to decide what I must do in the future. I highly doubt he will be too harsh-

"After everything I have done for you, you dare suggest that?" His eyes are no longer focused on me, but seem to have been taken over by his anger and disgust making it hard for him to make me out as he steps towards me, trying to grab hold of my arm. He looks wild, and scary - nothing like the composed Father that usually strolls around the house.

I move away, not wanting to get beaten like the worker Father had told off this morning for letting his toast burn. He only really gets aggressive when he has been drinking, and I know that if he was in his right mind, if there was no alcohol in his system, he would never want to hurt anyone.

"I... I'm not suggesting it, I'm just curious!" I respond weakly. I don't particularly want to get into a fight with my father right now, but I do need an answer. Maybe he can even ease my mind a bit, and give me some peace once and for all.

Father seems to snap out of his angered state, although the hint of fire behind his irises doesn't disappear as they refocus on my face, "I would cut ties with you. No Sol can be a dropout - if we work towards something, we can't let it go until the task is completed. So unless you found another way of reaching our dream of us standing on the podium at the Intergalactic Cup, you will no longer be considered a Sol,"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2021 ⏰

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