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Gasping for air, I push forward, my lungs desperate for more oxygen, my limbs stiff from being in the same position for so long

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Gasping for air, I push forward, my lungs desperate for more oxygen, my limbs stiff from being in the same position for so long. The room I am in is bright - too bright for my unaccustomed eyes - and contains the bare minimum; a bedside table, some medical equipment, and the bed I am laying on, a controller stuck to the right guardrail, the words 'Call for help' handwritten in white pen scribbled upon it, an arrow pointing towards the red button on the controller in black.

I do not know where I am, but for some reason, this place seems familiar, as if I have been here before. I have a feeling wherever this place is it doesn't mean me any harm, although my heart can't seem to calm down as my heartbeat seems to increase, the beeping monitor next to me following its rhythm.

Stretching my legs, I wiggle my fingers and toes, the pins and needles slowly disappearing as I move. I'm short for this bed, my toes sticking up at around two-thirds down, moving the covers as I scrunch my toes inwards and outwards. The place that hurts the most is my chest, but nothing unbearable - just enough for me to press my hand over it to make sure I don't have any heavy material weighing me down, some equipment to keep me tied down on the bed, for example.

I don't dare press the red button on the controller, so instead, I push my body into a sitting position. I can't remember how I got here - in fact, I can't even remember who I am. The last thing I recall-

Whatever my mind was recollecting quickly disappears as a man dressed in a green suit rushes into the room, slamming the door open, "You are finally awake!"

The noise makes me flinch, although he doesn't seem to notice as he continues talking, moving into the room and nearing my bed, letting his body fall onto it, just below my feet, "I had to go out and do some paperwork, but I am so glad you are okay. You-"

He doesn't give me a good feeling, and the fact that I have no clue who he is makes me feel defenseless, on edge. I think I know him, but for some reason, I have lost all the memories that I might be able to use to classify him and decide whether I should run, or if what I am feeling is just me trying to process I have no recollection of the past.

Leaning in, he shakes his head, "You don't even have a scratch! I knew the doctors were good, but wow!" inching closer, he lifts a finger towards my neck, "There was-"

His closeness is making me uncomfortable, my uneasiness increasing as his hand nears my face. Just as he is about to touch me, my instincts kick in, my movements so quick I hardly have time to process what I am doing. I am no longer in bed, instead, I am standing in front of this stranger in my nightgown, the thin material doing nothing to protect me against the chilly air of this room. My arms are in front of me, both hands in tight fists as I move away from him, my legs apart as I seize him up.

"Who are you?" My throat is dry, my words coming out raspy.

I know the better question might be what this place is, or where it is, but the fact that I feel at ease in this room makes me believe that the man before me is a bigger threat than whatever building I am currently in.

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