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Dain approaches and positions himself in front of me. "I promised that none might compel you, save for me. I am afraid I am going to have to use that power. Anastasia, I forbid you from speaking aloud about your service to me. I forbid you from putting it into writing or into song. You won't ever divulge the identities of any of my spies. You will never reveal their secrets, their meeting places, their safe houses, and finally you will not tell anyone about our marital relationship until after the coronation. You will abide by this as long as I am alive."

Despite the rowan berry necklace I am wearing, it offers no defence from the geas's magic. This isn't your typical glitz or straightforward sorcery. My mouth would be unable to form those forbidden words if I tried to speak as the weight of the geas crashed down on me. I hate it. The overpowering sensation. I struggle to think of a way around his commandment in my head, but I am helpless even against my own tongue.

"Now," he says, both his palms meeting in a clasp. "I would like you to enjoy the ceremonies until the grand Coronation, while Jude runs some errands for me."

"What errands?" I question, doubting his integrity.

He gives me a reluctant look before explaining what he meant, "Just gathering some information."

He clearly didn't wish to speak of it, and I was not one to pry, especially when it came to the king. "Oh... alright,"

"I have some meetings to attend so I must take my leave," he continued as he attempted to fix the mess that is his hair in front of the full body mirror.

I take second to admire his beauty, there is no denying how handsome he is, but unfortunately,  his beauty merely resides in his appearance and not in his character.

"You are free to stay, however."

He left the room seconds after I nodded and curtsied with a smile plastered onto my lips. As soon as he was gone I also took my leave, wanting to abandon the awful atmosphere of his bureau.

As I paced through the hallways of the estate I had decided to do a quick pass-by Cardan's temporary room, but when I had gotten there and asked the guard who stood at the door where Cardan was, he only said that he left with his brother, Balekin, two days ago.

That was the day I had that awfully shameful encounter with Balekin... I wonder what had happened?


A day after my encounter with the king, I was on a stroll in one of the palace's open gardens, which I later then spotted Cardan's clique.

I turned to leave, not wanting to deal with any of their shit but my name was called and I was stopped in my place.

"Well if it isn't princess amnesia," Nicasia mocks and the rest laugh, except for Locke...he almost never laughs at the jests they make, makes him seem like a good person which is very doubtable since he's a faerie and to top that off a friend of Cardan, neither of which are indicators of 'good' or even 'person'.

"And if it isn't the Smurf," I jest back and she doesn't look too happy with my comment.

"What are you even doing here? You don't belong here," valerian scolds.

"Well, I happen to be the King's—" I attempted to test the geas' power yet I struggled against it, my mouth refusing to utter the words I so wished to speak, as expected.

"Well? Spit it out," Nicasia glared as I stood there, held back by my own overpowered mind, helpless.

"Special guest. I happen to be his special guest," I settle for that, hoping they don't suspect anything.

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