𝐹𝑜𝓊𝓇𝓉𝑒𝑒𝓃 🎥

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Louis's POV: It took me a while to find out where y/n was. I was worried she had gotten lost or something. She looked a little upset though. I wanted to comfort her and ask if she was okay, but then again I didn't want to push her in any way.

  She slowly walked up to me and explained about how her phone was almost dead and her friend's already left when we went to the bakery, and Malina was the only one who knew the way back home.

"Do you want to use my phone to call Malina?"  I didn't know how to help so I just offered my phone because it was still at 82%

"Sure, thank you" she answered with a little smile and I smiled back because she looked cute.

Y/n's POV: After Louis offered to lend his phone to me I dialed Malina's number and asked her for directions or if I could maybe get a map from somewhere near the subway. 

She told me to ask Louis first. Wow  so helpful Malina 👵🤚

"Do you know how to get to (your street)"  i kind of whispered it because i was still on the phone with Malina

"Uhm yes, I actually live near that street" 

Malina heard him say that and she started making kiss noises on the phone while I heard Sienna laughing in the back. 

" shut up Malina" I hung up after laughing while Louis started heading back towards the subway station.

Louis's POV: What a coincidence 🕺🏽

Maybe we can actually talk without a Jack interruption this time.

Since the sun had already gone down it was pretty dark. We were just a couple steps away from the subway. She looked a little cold and she didn't look like she was wearing the best top for cold weather.

I realized right after noticing she was cold that I was holding her hand. I smirked a little and throwing in a little laugh too. 

Y/n's POV: i saw that he was holding my hand but he just noticed. I had these crazy butterflies that wouldn't go away. I felt really happy with him. He started to laugh which made me laugh too.

We entered the subway and took a couple fun pictures because we forgot to earlier inside the bakery. He smiled at me a lot while looking straight into my eyes. It made me smile too, I couldn't hold it in. 

I started getting colder then I was before, I think he started to notice that I was cold too. It gets so cold at night but I thought I could handle it.

He started taking off his jacket and slowly placing it around my shoulders. It was a really soft jacket actually. It made me feel like I was wearing a blanket. It kind of smelled like him too. I wonder if you can smell emotions?

Louis's POV: We got inside the subway and started heading back to (Your Street). She smiled when I gave her my jacket, tbh I saw a little blushing too.

When we sat down I went ...

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