Chapter I

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"Do you remember?" I look my boyfriend in the eyes and I'm still not used to his existence in my life.

"Remember what babe?" Jimin asks with a tone of curiosity.

"The day I arrived. The day we met for the first time." He remembers. Just by the sparkle his eyes have after my words, and that smile creeping in his face before giving me a peck on my forehead.

" Of course I do Bree. How could I forget the day I found my Miss right with her dark brown wavy hair, on a high ponytail, with those honey eyes locked with mine when I was implied to dance with, what soon would be, the love of my life?" Even after one year and half this creature is able to make me blush. I hide my face  on his chest, making him release a laugh at my figure. "Got shy all of sudden?" And I don't answer, just nod, while my mind goes back to that time.


The gates are enormous. I've never imagined coming back to Korea this soon. I've already completed one year in New York and I would now complete the other 2 in Seoul.  I'm still not used to this: the smells, the movements, the big buildings, everything is new once again.

I walk what I think will be the path to my class. I don't progress more than two steps with my white converse before I go against someone. Really Bree?! On the first day?

"I'm so sorry." I try to help the black haired guy with the things he dropped because of me. I kneel close to him and I start to pick up his excessive amount of papers. One by one I get all his stuff out of the floor and give them to the boy whose eyes are unknown to me.

"No problem I wa..." I cut his words by quickly apologizing for the second time.

"I'm really sorry but I'm already late for class." I give him a smile and I walk far away from him, not meeting his eyes, not even a glimpse.

I start slowing down my pace taking out of my bag the schedule of my new routine. I try to control my breathing, closing my eyes in the middle of the empty corridor, before I confirm my first class. Dance, it says on the first square placed on Monday. I take a good breath and start moving to the changing room. Suddenly, giggles are audible in this whole corridor and I assume I'm on the right track.

I open the door to find out that my assumptions on the noises are right. I found the changing room and everyone is ready for the class but me. I move my body to a bench so I can change my casual outfit to my white sweatpants, my black squared neckline crop top, which makes a big contrast with my pale skin, and my white and simple sneakers.

I grab my bag and decide to follow the human flow of girls who, I assume, to be going to the practice room for our first class. All these girls know each other and, as I move my feet, I feel displaced from the rest of the class, or at least part of it.

The flow starts to go in separate ways and now I have no idea where to go. I gain some courage and ask a blonde girl if she knows where the classes are for the second year.

"Oh, I don't recognize this face? I'm Claire. Are you the new girl that professor Mills told us right? Humm Bree is it?" The pretty female in front of me has a similar outfit to mine but more colorful; yellow sneakers matching her crop top, which is covered with a black sweatshirt, only with sleeves, and water colored sweatpants. I confirmed my identity nodding to the figure in front of me. "Perfect, come with me. Our first class is dance as you know but with the third years." The girl named Claire says as she grabs my hand and pulls me into the direction of the practice room.

As I'm dragged for my first class, with God knows who, I decide to decipher my other classmates. Everyone has dark brown or black hair, only Clair is distinguishable with her natural blond hair. They all seem to know each other. This feeling of being new again... I really hate it.

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