Chapter II

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I'm running with all my might out of college, where me and my boyfriend began our story, to meet with him. Minutes ago, Jimin called me saying that Big Hit contacted him. Jungkook and Namjoon but didn't develop much more and I'm now looking like a marathoner to discover what happened.

It's been almost a year since our performance at the end of the year and, until now, Jimin has been reached out to by many companies. Unfortunately, at the audition he doesn't have much luck. I will assume that he is too good for them because there's no chance that my beautiful angel has no talent.

As I'm running, my peripheral vision becomes a blur of colors. I can only think of Jimin and how he is. I hope he's not a crying mess and that Big Hit called with good news.

I see an unknown blond hair at the end of the road but a well known toned chest. Jimin took every bit of color from his hair and now a pair of sunglasses hide those beautiful eyes. The two toned denim jacket covers his back and arms from the slight spring breeze and he didn't forget to cover his neck with the black turtleneck that I love. It's a thin layer that hugs his toned chest and shoulders, revealing the sculpture made by his parents. To match his denim jacket my boyfriend has a pair of denim skinny jeans showing the perfection of those dancer build thighs and black combat boots that I bet he stole from Jungkook. His fingers are tucked in his back pockets and his body is relaxed while waiting for me.

As soon as he sees me, he holds my body, that in comparison with his is like a tiny gnome, and lifts me in the air spinning our bodies and giggling like a child. A sweet and bright smile is plastered on his handsome face and I can't resist his puffy cheeks so I pinch them and he retrieves by resting my body on the ground and doing the same to mine.

"It's official, Bree! I'm an Idol! Big Hit has formed a new group!" His high pitched voice melts my heart. He's so happy, finally accomplishing his dreams of becoming an idol. "And Jungkookie and Joonie got in too! I'll soon present you to..." I interrupt his enthusiasm by planting a small kiss on his plump and rosy lips. I draw myself back from his face but he pulls me back to a deepened and passionate kiss confirming his euphoric state of mind; his hand lays on the base of my neck pulling me more into the kiss while my fingers navigate through his new blond and silky hair. Our lips were made for each other, the synchrony, the taste, the way our lips complete one another is magical. We keep tasting the love we have in ourselves until we run out of breath.

"I'm so happy, Chimmy. I really am." I close my eyes while his thumb strokes my cheek bone, letting our foreheads rest on each other's.

"You will get it too, Bree, I feel it." We finally distance our bodies and Jimin grabs my hand interlocking my fingers in his. I rest my head on his arm for a short amount of time and Jimin starts leading the path. "As I was saying before you interrupted me, We'll have an afternoon together and Jungkook asked to come and get you so you could meet the other members." Jimin finally gets to finish his sentence and can't control my laugh. "Yah! What is it? Do I have something in my face?" He lands his hand on his cheek and I appreciate the boyfriend I have.

Blond hair, sculpted body, puffy rosy lips, sweet and peachy scent, angelical eyes, tiny hands, incoherent duality, it's the perfect human being created by Gods and I'm lucky enough to have him in my life.

"Hey, Bree! Stop drooling over me. I know I'm a Greek God but there's no need for you to part your lips every time you check me out." It's his turn to laugh out loud making me pout crossing my arms on my chest. "Oww my baby is shy now? Cute." Pinching my cheeks he releases a bright smile pecking my lips.

"Hey that's mine." I complain but Jimin confused face appears

"What?" He asks, visibly confused.

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