Chapter III

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Claire sighs in relief when our History professor ends her seminary and turns off the interactive board where we were seeing the history of music. Chopin was the topic of today to be more precise. I can't lie and say that I hate history when I actually love it. Claire, on the other hand, was almost drooling on the desk, dreaming about her final performance.

"Plans for today?" The blond asks while grabbing her bag and I do the same, exiting the room where we were acknowledging the history of our passions.

"I was planning on going out with the boys since they got the day off from practice." My reply receives a pout from Claire's lips.

"You never have time for me." Her pout grows cuter until her eyes get sparkly with what seems to be a Claire idea. "So, it's hot, summer to be more precise."

"So what?"

"Water park." Her eyes glisten with expectancy and mine are closed for a few seconds, allowing me to deliberate if it will be a good idea.

"So, if we all go to a water park, we will be nine. Are you available to endure seven grown children plus me, your stubborn friend?" The happiness that my question causes makes Claire jump around me until she grabs both my hands and kisses them as if I'm created by God.

"Hell yes! Call the boys and tell them to meet us at my house at two p.m.. This day will be awesome!" I'm about to grab my phone but Claire's voice makes me focus on her again. "And my best friend is not stubborn." The use of the expression 'best friend' makes me smile widely while she keeps making her way to her locker.

This girl changed my college life. She was the first person I informally met and began talking to. We happened to pursue the same dreams and we both had the ambition of working in the music industry as dancers or singers.

Finally being able to call my beloved one, he quickly picks up not giving me time to plan my speech to convince them to come.

"Hi baby." The sweet voice rings in my ears making my body flinch at the recognition of the owner.

"Hi Chimmy. Are you and the boys together?" My fingers play with the zipper of my bag waiting for an answer.

"Only Hobi is late but yeah. Why? Aren't you coming?" The sound coming from the other side of the line as a bluish tone to the idea of me not coming.

"Claire had one of her ideas and she thought it would be good for us nine to spend some time together at a waterpark." I propose and my heart is already suffering from anticipation to know his answer.

"AND LOSE THE SIGHT OF BREE WEARING MINIMAL CLOTHES?! Hell no." A different voice comes from my phone and Jimin's voice claiming property over me is the next thing that comes up on the line.

"Jungkook, she's my girlfriend."

"And my friend." Jungkook defends himself.

"So, it's a yes?" They still haven't given me a proper reply and it makes me bite my lower lip, expecting the return I want to hear.

"Yes, baby. I'll tell the boys to grab their swimwear and we will meet you."

"Ok, just tell them to meet us at Claire's house at 2 p.m.." I'm about to hang up the call when Jimin calls my name in a different tone, successfully catching my attention.

"Bree. Do not dare to expose more skin than needed." His vocal cords produce a lower tone than normal and his voice vibrates on my whole body when this side emerges from his personality as if it was a darker side that anyone but me has the right to witness.

"We'll see, baby. Bye." I brush my hair with my fingers and sigh at the thought of Jimin's frustration on the other side of the line, not expecting that answer from his girlfriend.

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