The weird man from the mirror(part 1)

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Monica was looking through a box of stuff her uncle Tony had given her a week ago. He said it was things from work that he didn't need anymore. There were some stretchy pants, a big Frisbee, some sort of metal helmet and a mirror. The mirror was probably the most normal thing there. It was small and golden. Very pretty but also very dirty. Monica decided to clean it, so she could use it. She got a towel and started rubbing the little hand mirror.

Suddenly it started shaking like crazy and the actual mirror part started flashing in random colors. Monica jumped on her bed leaving the mirror on the ground. After a couple of seconds the mirror stopped shaking. Then something very odd happened. A man appeared from the fucking mirror. He had long black hair and a funny lookin' helmet. ''What the-"Monica acclimated right when the man cut her off. ''Where am I? Who are you? And OMG WHAT IS THAT?!?'' The funny lookin man screamed while pointing at the girl's cat and jumping on the bed with her. ''it's a cat, idiot and who are you exactly? Monica asked while petting her cat.

*Meanwhile, in the Avengers compound*

''Hey Tony, have you seen a little golden mirror, you know the one I trapped Loki in, so he couldn't escape so easily?'' Thor asked. ''Yeah, I'm pretty sure I- wait you did what?'' Tony stopped realizing what the last thing Thor said was. ''Yeah, I brought it from Asgard and trapped my brother in it, so I could bring him to father easier." , ''And what do you have to do to get him out exactly?'' Tony asked, now a little panicked knowing where he might have left it. ''Oh , you just need to rub it.''


, ''Do you know where you might have-'', ''We need to go.'' Tony cut him off, ''What?'' , ''I think I might have fucked up''.

*Back at Monica's apartment*

''So let me get this straight, you come from a different realm called Asgard that you left and then came here to earth to try and take over New York with an army of space aliens that you summoned from a wormhole with the help of a glowing cube, a mad scientist and a guy with a bow?'' , ''Yes'', ''But you were unsuccessful?'' , ''Obviously...'' Loki gave Monica an annoyed look. ''Well, sorry you failed your master plan dude. ''The girl said while patting the gods back trying to make him feel better for his failed attempt at world domination. 

Just then the door flew open ,like literally it flew to the other side of the room. ''Hey that was my door!'' Monica screeched. ''Back away kid, the adults are talking'' Tony said while in his Iron Man suit. ''Sorry for bursting in your chambers like that little one.'' A big blond dude who Monica recognized from TV to be one of her uncles 'coworkers' said while picking up the small mirror that was still on the ground.'' You are coming with us brother!'' He commanded to Loki. 'Are they brothers or something? Wow, they look nothing alike.' Monica thought. ''You will never catch me!'' Loki said while duplicating himself, filling Monica's room with at least 30 copies of himself. ''What the fuck? How did he do that??!'' , ''God damn it , not again! Thor find which one is your brother and put him back in the mirror'' ''Understood Mr. Stark'' the guy whose name  is apparently Thor said while punching each of the copies to find which one was the real deal. Meanwhile, Monica spotted the real Loki leaving thought the window. However, she did not say anything and let the god leave, never to be seen again.

... Or at least till the next chapter *wink*

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