The miraculous bean juice (part 3)

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It was around 10 am when an alarm woke up the god and girl that were o' so comfortably snuggled up on the couch.

''What in Odin's name is that sound?' 'Loki asked with the popcorn from last night still in his grip. ''It's my alarm dummy, don't you have those in your magical realm?'' Monica said sarcastically going to stop the ringing that came from her phone. '' I'm afraid not ...what is this alarm of yours for anyways?''

''Well this one is for me to wake up, I set it up last night so that I wouldn't sleep thought the whole day''

''And what do you have to do today exactly?''

''Uh...''Monica looked around her apartment to try and remember what she had to do today but it was just not coming to her. After a good minute or so her ADHD kicked in and she forgot completely what the god had asked her.

''Are you alright?'' Loki said wondering what was going on in the young girl's brain, thinking she might be put under some sort of spell.

''Oh, oh yeah I'm fine. Thanks for asking! And what did you ask me again?''

''I ah...nothing.''

''Oookkay then, now I'ma go make me some coffee, you want any?''

''...what is coffee?''

Monica stopped dead in her tracks. She was shocked that the god had never heard of that miraculous bean juice she grew to love so much. Then again he didn't know what an alarm was so I guess it makes sense.

''Well, you are in luck cause I'm kind of an expert in this arena!'' The girl said proudly.

''How so?''

''Well, let me show you!'' Monica grabbed Loki's hand and dragged him to her kitchen to begin the learning process.

~Time skip brought to you by that sweet bean juice~

In only 1 hour Monica managed to teach Loki not only about coffee but about all of the other human goodies and snacks. And out of all the things she showed him, his favorite ended up being the Takis. He was almost glued to the bag the second he tasted one. Monica on the other hand was already on her second cup of coffee.

''How do you drink so much coffee so quickly? Didn't you say too much coffee is bad for you?' 'Loki questioned with a concerned look on his face.

'' It's called having a caffeine addiction, my friend. My body is used to it.''

Loki paused for a second looking at Monica with confusion.


''Did you just call me a friend?''

''Well, I mean aren't we friends?''

''I suppose.'' Loki said, yet again pausing for a second to think.

''Does that mean I could stay here?''

''Sure, why not. You would have to sleep on the couch tho because I don't have a guest room.''

''Sounds good to me.'' The god replied with a slight smile on his face.

And that marks the beginning of the unusual friendship between a mortal and a god. 

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