Spider-boi(part 6)

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It had been a week since Loki and Monica moved into the compound. Both of them had already settled in and currently were sitting on the couch. Loki was reading a book that was bigger than his own head and Monica was watching some show about wedding dresses on TLC with Nat. 'Why are wedding dresses so expensive?' Nat giggled at the question. 'I mean it's just a dress you wear once in your life, if that.'

'And that's exactly why it's so expensive. Because you wear it only once, on one very important day and it needs to be special and beautiful and-'

'Hey buttercup!' Tony came into the living room, cutting off Nat's passionate speech about wedding dresses. She knitted her eyebrows at him. 'Yo.' Was all Monica could say. She was too invested in the show. 'I have some news!' Tony said excitedly. 'Is this about the spider kid?' Nat turned her head to look at him. Loki raised an eyebrow now suddenly interested in what Stark had to say.

'Yes it is Romanoff now shush.' The ex-assassin smirked and went back to watching TV. 'What spider kid? Is he like half spider half human? You know, with like 8 arms and a freaky looking face maybe. Like a spider!' Monica tried to guess, she really had no idea. 'Nope but good guess. Peter you can come out now!' From one of the open windows in the compound swung in a not so spider looking kid. Wait what is that coming out of his wrists?

'Awe kid, we talked about this. No web in the compound.' So that's what that was...gross but cool!'Sorry, Mr. Stark. My bad.' The boy apologized. 'Anyway, so this is Peter newest part of the avengers! Everybody say hi and be nice to him, I'm looking at you mischief.-' Loki rolled his eyes. '-He will be staying here for the summer.' Tony finished and the rest of the avengers who were in the kitchen went over to introduce themselves to the newbie. Monica waited till everybody was gone so she could introduce herself. 'Howdy, My name is Monica!'

'Oh you are Mr. Stark's niece! Nice to meet you Monica!' Peter said shaking the girls hand a little too enthusiastically. Loki gave him a glare. 'I love your hair by the way and your make up looks so cool!'

'Awe thanks kid.' Monica smiled and flipped her short blue hair. She dyed it and cut it during a mental breakdown but Peter didn't have to know that fact. Monica was quite proud of her eyeliner tho. Peter then looked at her shirt.

'Oh hey I love that show!' He said pointing at it. Monica was wearing a Stranger Things T-shirt. 'Oh nice! Heard there is a new season coming out.' ...

Monica and Peter proceeded to talk about the show while Loki was sitting there shamelessly  eavesdropping on their conversation. Finally, he decided to make himself known to the new avenger. 'Hello.' Loki said in an almost intimidating way that would normally send shivers down your back if you didn't know him. Was he jealous? 'Oh hey, I'm Peter. You must be Thor's brother.' Peter didn't seem to be bothered by it, however. 'Sadly yes. The name is Loki Laufeyson, god of mischief, a master sorcerer and the smarter brother.' Monica giggled at the last part at which Loki hit her on the arm. 'Cool. So you do magic?'

'Yes amongst other things.'

'Can you show me some Mr.Laufeyson? If you don't mind of course.' Peter asked politely and carefully. 'Oh but of course' Loki grinned wickedly and led him outside. 'Oh this is not going to be good... better go and make sure he doesn't get hurt or perhaps just watch and do nothing.' Monica thought to herself.

*Time skip brought to you by Monica's mental breakdowns*

'Hey, Buttercup have you seen Peter anywhere, I can't fi- OMG!' Peter was currently being chased by some otherworldly beast that Loki brought in. 'What the hell? WHo- LOKI!' The god turned around with a huge smile on his face. 'Oh hello Stark. And before you say anything the kid asked for it.' Tony then looked at Monica for conformation ' I mean he is not wrong.' The billionaire sighed heavily. 'I'm never leaving him with you two again...'

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