Movie night with Loki(part 2)

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It was a few hours after the incident with Loki. Tony and Thor had both left ages ago setting on a mission to find the mischievous god. Monica on the other hand was preparing for a movie night. Yes, the whole night because she wanted to fuck up her sleeping schedule even more. After making the popcorn, that were way too much for a 19-year-old to eat in one sitting, she plopped down on her couch and put on the first movie of the night- The Texas chainsaw massacre. Oh yeah, it's gonna be one of those movie night.

Ten minutes of the movie had passed and Monica was already thinking about how dumb the characters decisions were. I mean who picks up a weird lookin' hitchhiker from an empty road in Texas? That's just plain old stupid, especially if you are in a horror movie. Monica continued stuffing her face with popcorn when she felt the spot next to her dip. She however didn't pay any attention to it because she thought it was just her cat-Bobbie. As she went to get more popcorn however her hand landed on someone else's. The young girl screamed so loud she could probably be heard two floors above and under her.

''I didn't think a mortal could scream that high. I'm impressed ''

Monica still a lil panicked looked over at who the intruder was.

''Wait, you are the guy that came out of the mirror!''

''The name is Loki, my dear but yes I was the one who came out of the mirror. Now that we have established who I am, can we continue watching the movie you have picked out? I find it quite intriguing. ''


''Great.'' Loki said, turning his attention to the movie and eating some of Monica's popcorn. She however was still very confused about this whole situation.

''So, why did you come back here?''

''Does everything I do have to have a reason behind it?''

''Well, of course it does! Everything has a reason.''

''Then, why did you let me escape? What was the reason behind that?"

''Uh, I don't know, you just didn't seem all that bad I guess, so I decided to do you a favor and just let you be.''

''But why? Even after everything I have done you still think me as 'not all that bad'? ''

''Yeah, I mean everybody does some stupid crap from time to time, that doesn't mean you are evil tho. Also, if you really were the super villain my uncle said you were ,you would have probably  tried to kidnap me already, I mean you had the chance, but you decided to just sit and watch a movie with me.''

Loki looked at the young girl with both confusion and curiosity. She was nothing like any of the midgardians he had met so far. She was different. He then noticed he still hand't replied to what the mortal had just said.

''Now am I right or am I right?''

''Both of those go in your favor.''

''That's the point dumbass. Now if we have established everything could we for god's sake please watch the movie cause I'm pretty sure we missed like 20 minutes of it already.''

''...I suppose.''


And so Loki and Monica continued to watch movies and comment on how bad the decisions of the characters were until like 6 am when they both fell asleep on the couch like they were two besties on a sleepover.

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