54. Psychic Vampires

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Thud. Thud. Thud. All Lili could hear was the pounding of her heart. Eternity had gone uncharacteristically silent. There seemed to be an unbearable tension stretching through the attic.

"Eternity," Lili said softly, "do you want to know what I found?"

Eternity let out a humorless laugh, "no... yes... I don't know. I'm... mierda, this feels so stupid, but I'm scared."

Lili tilted her head, "what are you scared of?"

"I'm not even sure," Eternity admitted, "finding out something that I have in common with my father, maybe. I just... I don't know much, but I know I never want to be like him."

"I understand," Lili reassured her, "but I'm fairly certain that what I found connects to your mother, not your father."

"Oh," Eternity mumbled.

Lili's eyes narrowed, "what else is upsetting you?"

Eternity sighed, "I just... I don't particularly like everything about myself, but I'm comfortable with some parts of me, and my powers are one of those things. I don't wanna lose that comfort. But at the same time, I don't wanna be kept in the dark. It's all so confusing... Lili?"


"Is it bad?" 

"I don't think so, but your opinion might be different."

"Okay. Lili?"


"This doesn't change how you see me, right?"

Lili placed the book down on the floor, open to the page she had been reading. Then she stood and approached Eternity, her feet shuffling quickly and quietly as she opened her arms, folding Eternity into them. Two thin arms hooked around her shoulders and neck, one coming to rest on her upper back, the other lightly stroking her bright pink curls. Lili pulled Eternity into her, so they were pressing so close together, as if they were trying to meld into one being. 

"Eternity Time, you have been there for my tears, my nightmares, my breakdowns, my anger. You've been there for some of my worst moments. Has that changed how you think of me?" Lili questioned.

"No," Eternity answered immediately, "those worst moments are just a small part of who you are."

"Exactly," Lili whispered, "you see me, all of me. I see you too. All of you. And I value it, the good and the bad. Except to me, the flaws don't look like flaws. They just look like you."

Eternity let out a half laugh, half sob, and pressed her face into Lili's shoulder, "careful Lili, any sweeter and you might turn to sugar."

"I know you're using humor to avoid your feelings," Lili murmured.

"It's kind of what I do," Eternity agreed. 

Lili pulled out of the embrace, moving to cup Eternity's cheeks in her soft hands, her pale skin stark against the warm brown of Eternity's face. Their eyes were boring into each other. Lili sucked in a sharp breath. 

"You're very loved, Eternity," Lili said solemnly, "and that love is not conditional, not going to be revoked. I know people have hurt you and failed you before, but... well, we're far from perfect here, but we don't snatch our love away in some cruel punishment. My family, my mom and dad, Abby and Jake, they care about you, they have love to give... I have love to give. This changes nothing between us."

Eternity closed her eyes, "I don't think I deserve all the kindness your family has shown me."

"You do," Lili insisted, "and besides, love isn't a business deal. It's freely given, not a transaction."

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