13. Doorway To Rhakotis

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Eternity knew she had terrible luck, and from what she had seen, Lili did too. So it was an incredibly fortunate occurrence when they were able to make it back to Abigail's without running into anymore Screechers or imps. Lili especially was relieved, she didn't want to have to attempt to set another one on fire.

The blonde teen dashed up the front steps of Abigail's townhome and knocked forcefully on the door, Eternity hanging back a step. Her brain was whirling around with so many thoughts and emotions, she had barely been able to pay attention to Lili's explanation of what the Screechers were and how their screams elicited fear on the run back.

All Eternity could think about was the fact that for the first time in a long time, someone had cared enough to come for her. Someone had given enough of a damn not to leave her behind. She kept mulling Lili's words over in her head; "you didn't have to come back." "Yes I did."

There had to be reasoning there, but Eternity didn't understand it. She wouldn't call herself selfish, exactly, but she didn't often get involved with other people and she took care of herself first. If it had been her, she would have run and never come back for anyone. No promises or commitment, that was how she survived. So the selflessness Lili had shown for a stranger was something foreign and confusing.

How could someone be so full of pure, raw, intoxicating power, how could they have the kind of luck that had them running from monsters and villains, and yet still care so much? Eternity found it inexplicable. Who was Lili Wibberly, really?

Her pondering was interrupted by the door flying open, Abigail taking one look at the two girls on her doorstep and hissing, "get in."

Lili and Eternity wasted no time, slipping into the house and letting the old woman slam the door behind them. Then Abigail whirled to look at Lili, "what happened to you? Where have you been? We were all so worried. Did something happen? Are you ok?"

"It's complicated, but the monsters have found my family. The Screechers and imps work for Robert now, apparently. They're after us," Lili said.

Abigail frowned, "I know dear, I set up alerts that told me when they came. That's why we were so afraid and - oh, come to my office. Your siblings are there and you can tell us all the full story."

"Just my siblings," Lili questioned, her word oriented brain noting Abigail's choice of phrase, "where are my parents?"

"They went out to find you, of course," Abigail stated. Lili shouldn't have been surprised. Her parents were the type to take any sort of action to keep their kids from harm. Though now she was glad she hadn't wasted time coming back here before returning for Eternity. She wouldn't have found the help she had considered looking for.

"They should be back soon," Abigail soothed, seeing Lili's frown, "now, quickly, to the study. There's much to be done."

Lili hurried after the surprisingly speedy old woman, and Eternity followed, not exactly sure what she had walked into. It was clear that Abigail was a family friend to Lili, but what was not clear was how Lili's family was in this mess in the first place.

"Um, I still have a lot of questions," Eternity spoke up, always a fan of the blunt approach.

Abigail finally acknowledged the other girl, "as do I. Such as what are you doing involved in this mess, Eternity?"

"She helped me fend of a screecher, then showed me the way back," Lili stated, conveniently leaving out the part where Eternity was briefly captured by imps.

"You dragged her into this?" Abigail sounded confused by the very notion that Lili would do such a thing.

"More like I forced her to let me tag along," Eternity said, "and I gotta say, this is all a lot more thought provoking then walking home from work."

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