10. Improvising

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Lili Wibberly.

It was a nice name, Eternity had to admit. She felt like she had vaguely heard the surname before, but couldn't remember where. Maybe her family was friends with Abigail in addition to the running for their lives Lili made it seem like they were experts in. Maybe the witch had mentioned them briefly or something like that. 

Whatever it was, Eternity was going to keep following Lili until... well, until her curiosity had been satisfied.

Meanwhile, Lili was wondering how she had got stuck in this position. Sure she was grateful for Eternity's assistance with the screecher and the fact that she didn't have to use her acting up magic. But now she had dragged the other girl into a dangerous situation, and had to get her out  of it, which was a whole other challenge in itself.

Though, Lili had to admit, Eternity was handling this quite well. From the way she smashed in that screechers skull, to her knowledge of the tunnels, she was helpful. She was also stubborn, and seemingly a bit too reckless for her own good. Lili wasn't sure whether to admire her or be frustrated that she was in this mess.

"We should be coming out right up here," Eternity said, and indeed Lili could see a sliver of light, an opening, up ahead. That was good, considering the screeches behind them were only getting louder.

"Fantastic," the blonde teen mumbled as she and her new companion picked up their pace.

"After we come out, what's next?" Eternity asked, since Lili seemed to know more about these monsters and what they wanted than she did.

Lili replied, "we'll have to make sure we avoid the imps roaming the surface."

"Are they as nasty as they're rumored to be?" Eternity questioned.

"Considering they chased me down here, I'd say so."

"Lovely," the pink haired girl rolled her eyes and pushed sarcasm into her voice, "so where do we go to get away from them?"

"We are not going anywhere. You are going home, and I have to get back to my family," Lili corrected. For all this girl's stubbornness, she couldn't let her come along, right into danger. Eternity needed to leave, and soon.

It seemed like no one had told the pink haired teen that, "you want me to go around the city alone with those monsters roaming about?"

Lili sighed, "they're after me, not you. You'd be in more danger if you went with me."

"You say that, but you clearly know more about this than me, and I think that makes you qualified to protect us," Eternity said.

"I'm fifteen. I'm not qualified to protect anyone. Contrary to how this looks, this is all new for me," Lili replied.

"Still better than no one."

Lili gnashed her teeth. This girl was so damn stubborn. "Why do you want to come? Don't you have a place or people to get back to?"

Eternity barked out a bitter laugh. She had no building that she called home. This city itself was her only home and now monsters were creeping among its streets. As for the people, well, her caretaker would probably pleased to see the last of the teen that talked back and stayed out too late and 'wasn't magic enough' for her home. The other children wouldn't notice if she was gone. The best reaction she could hope for was mild curiosity and casual worry of age didn't show up to sell her art at the market.

There was no place or person that made her feel safe, she merely had to rely on herself. She wasn't foolish enough to go out into a city of monsters alone. Eternity was sticking with the one person who seemed to know what was going on, whether Lili liked it or not, until she felt safe again.

Time's Tragedies- The Books Of Beginning [2]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora