25. Partners In Crime

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Three months and six days after moving in with the Wibberlys, Eternity Time trusted Kaye Wibberly with the story of her life. One day later, three months and seven days after moving in, she was looking for a different Wibberly, the girl she was closest too. She was not here to tell her story, but instead to give a friend a gift. Why? Because she had never had the chance to before.

Eternity found Lili on the front porch, basking in the sunset. Eternity grinned. They both loved beautiful things, her and Lili. As artists and poets, of course they did. And the golden fire rays of the dying sun were certainly beautiful, almost as beautiful as the dark velvet night that would follow them.

As artists and poets, Eternity and Lili also found inspiration in tragic things, even more so than beauty. There was a reason fear and insomnia were driving Lili to write more. 

But that was not the point of this moment. This was a moment for happiness, for friendship, things that Eternity had felt in abundance since meeting Lili and that she hoped to give back.

"Hey," Lili said, a radiant smile lighting up her face at the sight of Eternity. 

The subtle hum of her magic sang against her friend's brain, the way it always did. They still hadn't figured out why Lili's magic was so unbalanced - as a result she was being very cautious with it - and they didn't know why her power drew Eternity in so much, or why she could feel Eternity's own spark of power. Eternity didn't mind it though. While Lili's magic was drowning and an inferno all at once, Eternity had some how grown used to the subtle buzz of its existence in the back of her mind.

Eternity grinned right back, cheeky and snarky as always, "mind focusing on me and not the sky for a minute?"

"Any reason or you just want attention?" Lili questioned teasingly. That was another reason they got on so well, these two girls. They could keep up with each other's wits.

"I have a reason," she said, holding out a small box, "pick your half."

Lili opened the box. Inside were a pair of golden colored bracelets, half a heart strung on each chain. The first heart said "partners" and the second "in crime."

Eternity tapped her toe excitedly, "do you like them?"

"Yeah," Lili laughed, "but what's the occasion? My birthday isn't until September. You know that."

"You're a poet," Eternity said with a wave of her hand, "look for the symbolism."

"Well you're sixteen and commitment afraid, so you aren't proposing. Oh, I know, you're asking me to rob a bank with you," Lili teased.

Eternity rolled her eyes, "please, Lili, we've established that I am both terrible at crime and don't enjoy it at all. I think it's better for everyone if I stay far away from that life."

"The crime industry thanks you for not joining and ruining their heists," Lili deadpanned.

Eternity tapped the bracelet box, "they're friendship bracelets."

"Seriously?" Lili raises an eyebrow, "never took you for a sentimentalist."

"I'm not, but I like you, and I like looking good, so this is perfect," Eternity declared, "also, I thought 'partners in crime' had a cooler ring to it then 'best friends' did."

Best friends. The word rang in Lili's head, because it was the exact word she used to think of Eternity.

"You consider us best friends?" Lili said, voice suddenly getting quiet.

Eternity felt a jolt of fear, "you don't?"

Lili shook her head, "no, I do. I definitely do. I just didn't wanna make you uncomfortable by saying it. I know you don't like being connected to people."

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