20. Poets And Artists

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"Go see if mom and dad need any help with setting up the protection stones!" Lili barked at the two younger children as she shoved Eternity down the hall and towards her room.

"Don't they have it under control?" Abby questioned.

"Of course," Lili rolled her eyes, reaching for the doorknob, "but it would go faster with you two helping!"

Torn between annoying their sister and her new friend, and the promise of magic, the children chose magic, as they always did. Lili let out a sigh of relief and opened the door to her room, allowing her new roommate and a bunch of linens to enter.

"That was a thing," she grumbled. Once they had gotten home, Lili had set about showing Eternity where everything was, telling her that if she needed help finding anything to ask, to help herself to what she needed and all that jazz. The little tour itself had gone fine, but Abby and Jake had insisted upon coming along and chattering excessively the whole time. 

Eternity laughed, "don't worry. I dealt with rude customers devaluing my art all the time. A couple of wild kids are nothing I can't handle." She dropped the stack of blankets and sheets onto Lili's bed.

"Sounds rough," Lili commented.

Eternity shrugged, "jerks always suck to deal with, but it's worth putting up with for the art itself."

Lili went to drag the trundle bed out from under her bed, "that reminds me. Here in the next few days, we'll have to make a trip to get your stuff."

"I don't have too much," Eternity said, "just clothes and art supplies and some odds and ends."

"But those are kind of important," Lili pointed out with amusement.

Eternity snorted, "what, I can't just keep borrowing stuff from you?" She plucked at her loaned top.

Lili giggled, "you're taller then me, silly. All my pants would be too short on you."

"Ah yes," Eternity smirked, "forgot how small you were for a moment."

Lili rolled her eyes, "please tell me the cleshay short jokes aren't a regular thing with you?"

"I could, but then I'd be lying," Eternity replied cheekily. Then she became more sincere, "but really, thanks. I wouldn't want to leave all the projects I worked so hard on behind."

"Hey, I get it. We creators take pride in our work. When we aren't freaking out over it it's any good that is," Lili smiled, "besides, it'd be cool to see some of your art."

"I'll definitely show it to you," Eternity said, "any excuse to show off." Lili dissolved into giggles even as she and her friend went to unfold the sheets for the newly set up trundle bed.

"If they're that good, we'll have to hang them up. Make my walls a little less boring," Lili said, still half teasing but with a serious note in her gaze.

Eternity smiled radiantly, "sounds awesome. Now, let's see if two teenagers, one with magic, can force this sheet onto the mattress." And after twenty minutes, they could safely say the answer was yes, but only with the use of way more effort then should be necessary for a sheet.

"Ok, blankets are clearly the superior linen item," Eternity declared, "sheets are too high maintenance to appreciate properly."

Lili giggled, "while you compare pieces of fabric, let me grab you some pillows."

She slipped out of the room while the other girl unfolded and shook out the blanket. Then, once that was situated, she looked around the room, which was cozy, and approached the full bookshelf. Her hand skimmed over many unfamiliar titles, but she assumed a lot of it was poetry. She could see names of authors known for their poems; Emily Dickinson, Edgar Allan Poe, Robert Frost, Shel Silverstein, and more. Mixed in were novels, mostly fantasy that Eternity didn't recognize, though she did spot a few things she had heard of, like Lord of the Rings, Narnia, and a well worn copy of Alice in Wonderland.

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