22. Never Have I Ever

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"I made sandwiches!" This was the triumphant cry of one Jake Wibberly, who indeed waltzed into the living room holding a platter of sandwiches. He enjoyed making them, just like he enjoyed all cooking. He wasn't half bad at it too, often begging his parents to let him try out a new recipe from one of several cookbooks he had been gifted through the years. Of course, these were just ordinary sandwiches but he still felt a sense of pride at putting them together.

His sisters, who were decidedly not skilled in the kitchen, both cheered.

Abby lay sprawled on the couch, a book in her hands as it so often was. One glance at the title showed that it was surprisingly fiction, for once. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes.

Lili had just finished helping Eternity carry several cardboard boxes of her worldly possessions up to her room. The two and Kate had made a discreet trip back to New York to get Eternity's things this morning. Clothes and art supplies had been packed up, along with a random assortment of nicknacks and the occasional comic book, all set to be moved in for the newest resident of the Wibberly home's convenience. 

Eternity, who had just run down the stairs to stand at Lili's side, also looked happy at the thought of sandwiches. Who wouldn't, it was sandwiches? She was also happy because once again she was surrounded by her art, and because the trip to New York had gone well. She had not run into her snooty and cold guardian, and had not been attacked by monsters, so she was going to call this morning a win. 

"Thanks Jake," Lili said, taking a sandwich for herself and passing one to Eternity.

Jake shrugged, "no prob. Where's mom and dad?"

"Errands," Abby chimed in, "they had a few letters to send at the post office - bills and stuff. Then they were gonna go to the hardware store and get some stuff to fix that broken chair in the kitchen."

"You mean the chair you broke?" Lili asked, amused.

Abby's face flushed, "Jake was the one who dared me to jump on it."

"You were the one idiot enough to take me up on it!" Jake exclaimed in retaliation.

"Let's just blame the chair then," Abby declared, "for not being strong enough to hold together!"

"And the superglue," Jake agreed, "for not being neat enough to fix it and hide our mistakes."

Lili rolled her eyes. Her siblings were often compared to Michael and Emma, because they had that same curiosity and troublemaking spirit. Where they differed was the fact that more often then not, Abby and Jake agreed on things. That didn't mean their cover up attempts were successful, though.

"What about the duct tape?" Eternity asked wryly.

"Don't be silly," Abby said through a mouthful of sandwich, "that would be visible and then everyone would know we broke the chair."

Eternity shot Lili a look of amusement as the blonde giggled. She could already tell Eternity's dry wit combined with her siblings' taste for strange logic was going to make this new arrangement very interesting.

"Alright, enough about broken chairs," Lili said, perching herself on the arm of the sofa, "what do you all wanna do?"

"We could play a game," Jake suggested, "something so Eternity can get to know us all a bit better."

"Never have I ever," Abby suggested.

"Sure," Lili agreed, "why not. Eternity, I assume you know how to play?"

"Course," Eternity said, taking a seat on the floor. She had played never have I ever back in New York with some people her age. Or at least, she used to before they tried to turn it into a drinking game and she quickly left. There were some things Eternity would never participate in, and consuming alcohol was one of them.

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