A New Home -chapter 3

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Tubbos pov: November 9th Sunday

"Hello" said the older man, he had light blond hair, and blue eyes not the same as the other boys, but they were blue

"Hello" I said, my voice quiet, and shaking because I was nervous.

He gestured for me to take a seat, so I sat across the table form the 3 guys, and the blond boy had pulled a chair at the end of the table to my right.

"I'm phil, this is my son techno..." he pointed to a boy with long pink hair and brown eyes, he smiled and nodded at me, "Wilbur.." he then pointed to a boy with brown hair and a white stripe through his hair, he had the same eyes as the boy before, techno? Yea that's his name.

"Hi!" Wilbur said excitedly, with a smile, I waved slightly.

"And thats-" he pointed to the blond boy, who cut him off .

"Tommy, my names Tommy"
He said looking at me, it was cold look, it wasn't a mean look he gave me, yet it still scared me.

The older man, phil? Sighed then looked back to me

"What's your name?" He said looking at me kindly, it was kinda suprising, he already knew my name, so why was he asking... probably for his sons.

"Tubbo, my names tubbo" I smiled my nerves loosening up as I relaxed.


Tommy's pov:

Phil, Wilbur even techno, were talking to "tubbo" weird name might I add.

But i just was texting drista all my complaints, her just responding with "lol" or "lmao" which I didn't really care.

"Tommy" I heard my name, I looked up at my dad who was looking at me "you promised youd try" he said smiling, I sighed, telling drista I'd talk to her later, then I put my phone away.

"Thank you" he said happily.

I looked over at tubbo, and he was looking at me too.

"Hi, I'm tubbo nice to meet you" he said with a smile on his face.

He was so- nice and friendly looking.
It was weird to me.

"Tommy, like I already said" I said looking at him, expecting some kind of reaction from the coldness in my voice, but there wasn't one.

After a while, dad filled out some paperwork, and we left the orphanage, except with another person this time.

Tubbo sat on the left side of the back seat, techno on the right, and Wilbur in the middle,
I sat up front again with dad.

We stopped to get some food, because techno said he was hungry.

The magic of being the favorite, is what I call it.

Tubbo didn't say much, he was really quiet acctuly, he only said something if someone said something to him first.

We got McDonald's, techno, Wilbur and dad got meals, I wasn't paying attention I just got a coke, and a small fry

Tubbo asked for the same thing i did, i thought it was weird, he seems like a yes man in my opinion, but didn't say anything, not wanting to talk to my new roommate.


Tubbos POV:

Truth is- I've never been to McDonald's before, and been aloud to order so I didn't know what to get
I heard what Tommy asked for so I asked for the same thing.

What if he thinks that weird? I was nervous about everything I said.

Turns out though, I like McDonald's.


An hour drive later


We pulled up to a nice looking house, it was 2 floors and looked really modern, I got out of the car with everyone else, tommy was the 1st inside the house.

"I'm sorry about him, hes upset that he has to share his room" somone said laughing, I turned to them and it was Wilbur.

"I'm sharing a room with him?" I was nervous about that too, Tommy didn't seem to like me very much, and he seemed like the kinda person who'd stab me in my sleep... so.

"Yea, you'll be fine" he said smiling "his bark is much worse then his bite" he said laughing, walking into the house and gesturing for me to follow.

So that's what i did.


Tommy's pov:

I heard the door open, I looked over and saw him, he was standing in the door way.

"Um... Wilbur said that we are sharing a room?" He smiled, but also looked like he was scared like I was gonna attack him,
I'd be lieing if i said I hadn't
considered doing it.

"Yep" I pointed to the bed on the other side of the room, he walked over to it and set his bag on the bed, then sat down too.

I looked back at my phone, but I could feel his eyes on me, it was weird, everything about him was weird, I just didn't like him.

"I um... I'm sorry?" He said looking at me still, I looked up confused.

"Sorry? What for?"

"Well... I feel like you were weired out by me ordering the same thing as you at the fast food place" he said pulling his knees to his chest, his back against the wall "I've just never been aloud to order at fast food places, so I didn't know what to get" he laughed slightly.

I looked at him for a moment "it's fine I guess" I rolled my eyes look back to my phone.


Technos pov:

Wilbur Walked down stairs sitting next to me at the table
"20 bucks says he warms up to tubbo within 4 week" he smirked at me "20 bucks says he kills him, or your wrong" I relied, shaking his hand.

"If he kills him I'll give you 50$" phil chimed in.

Making both me and my brother laugh.

[That was part 3! Hope you enjoyed this page/part!💖

971 words]

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