My Tommy. -chapter 8

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Almost 1 week after the last part, November 22nd, Friday.

Also YES I know they don't celebrate Thanksgiving but this is a world where American and British things are mixed together okay? Just go with it please.

No ones pov:

It was Friday and Tommy had just gotten back from school, and it was around 3:45pm. It was the 1st day of Thanksgiving break.

Tubbo hadn't started yet, since he wanted tubbo to adjust properly before sending him to school, so tubbo was gonna be homeschool until the end of Thanksgiving break which started today.

Tommy was reading a book that was assigned in one of his classes, which he had to read over the break,
Well more like tubbo was reading, Tommy was messing with tubbos hair, well tubbo was reading, as they were sitting against the wall sideways on tubbos bed.
Tubbo was leaning against Tommy and Tommy had a arm around tubbo, one hand messing with his hair the other holding his phone.

"Are you planning on do ANY work?" Tubbo said looking up at Tommy

"Nope" he smiled down at tubbo who just shook his head

"ITS YOUR WORK!" Tubbo exclaimed jokingly. Somehow Tommy managed to get HIM to do his homework instead of doing it himself. Which proves to be alot more difficult then expected since.... "TOMMY I CANT FUCKING READ" he closed the book throwing it down on the bed. Which caused both of them to burst into laughter.

"Itll help you understand what were doing when you actually start!" Tommy said laughing harder.

"That isn't-" tubbo was cut off.

There was a sudden loud bang, like a book shelf fell over.

Both boys jumped, both freaking out slightly,

tubbo immediately grabbing onto Tommy

Tommy had dropped his phone, and held onto tubbos hand tightly

Looking at them you would think tubbos more scared of the loud sounds, but it actually tommy, he is just better at hiding it

Tubbo is much more scared of actual yelling and fights, that and people just randomly touching him. He dosnt do well with arguing, or physical touch unless its somone he trust or its necessary.

Tommy pulls tubbo closer to himself
And buries his face into tubbos shoulder shaking slightly. Was that for comfort to tubbo or to Tommy? Tommy wasn't sure but it was probably both.

Tubbo held tommy close too him, he was more worried about what had fallen then the sound itself.

"Its ok toms" tubbo said pulling Tommy as close as possible as he adjustedso he faced Tommy, his arms around Tommy, Tommy's arms were loosely around tubbo as well his face buried into the older boys neck.

"I'm here, it's ok, it was probably just techno and Wilbur messing around, they probably knocked something over, ok?"

Tommy nodded, he didn't move though.

After a minute or 2, Wilbur came into the room

"Are you guys ok?" He said looking at them. Tubbo and Tommy now laying down.

Tubbo nodded "were ok" he said playing with Tommy's hair, who was now laying his head on tubbos chest.

"Ok, sorry one of the shelves holding dads books fell over, are you sure?" He asked again worry apparent in his voice.

"Its okay will!" Tubbo said smiling, Wilbur nodded, he waited a moment. Tommy nodded slightly.

"Were okay" his voice was quiet and weaker then normal, it was a effect of keeping himself calm.

Wilbur nodded again closing the door, going back down stairs.

Tubbos POV:
Mentions of abuse

Tommy was laying next to me, his head on my chest, he still hasn't told me why he dosnt like loud sounds like that, but I'm not gonna push him.

Tommy's eyes open slightly, not looking at me

"You ok?" I ask him still playing with his hair.

"Yea....." he paused "just kinda... freaked out" he said not looking at me

"You don't need to tell me... but Tommy, why are you so scared of loud sounds?" He sat up now, looking at me. I took it as a sighn and sat up aswell.

"Uh... well" he said looking at the floor
He seemed to be really conflicted about telling me, anyone.

"You don't need to-" I started but he stood up
"What are you doing?" I asked confused as he locked the door and turned back to me.

"Well..." he trailed off again
The he started taking his shirt off.

"Ok, what the hell are you doing?" I asked even more confused

"Its easier to show you then explain..." he said taking his shirt off,

My eyes widened, there were scars- alot of them, atlest more then a 16 year old boy should have, there were 3 on his right arm 5 on his left. On his torso there were about 10 and I couldn't see his back.

I looked at his face which looked kinda worried, also slightly embarrassed.

He pointed to a certain scar, barley a inch from where is heart is.

It was a circle scar kinda like a-



I got up hugging Tommy tightly, he hugged back instantly.

After a moment I step back

"No one knows?...."  I say looking at the countless scars across his torso, my eyes keep going back to the bullet scar.

He shook his head, he grabbed his shirt, putting it back on, and sitting down on my bed again.

"Phil knows.... but willand techno don't" he looked down sadly "i guess have really dhit luck with finding GOOD families... at least before I came here that is" He said looking at the floor.

I looked at him sadly,
Alot of things happened with me... but I dont have any scars, my.... HE was careful about that, nothing ever left a mark long enough to be noticed.

I sat next to him, I pulled him into another hug,

"Dont force yourself to tell me what happened" I said holding him close to me, protectively.

He nodded

I wasn't happy, I was worried about Tommy... I didn't like that somone could have caused that, especially to MY Tommy.

"I'm so sorry toms" I whispered hugging him tighter.

*remember this is platonic please,
Thank you, also I apologize for my bad grammar-

993 words*

A New Opinion [SBI+Tubbo]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ