Safe place -chapter 15

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Guess what? The next day from the last chapter:) November 25th, Monday

Philza POV: 'no shipping"

"Techno, can you come finish up breakfast!" I called to the living room, when my eldest son walked in he looked annoyed.

"why?" He said pouting.

"because I need to go wake up Tommy and tubbo" I said smiling.

I walked past him and patted his head as I did. I could hear him say something about how it was stupid, but he walked over to the pan on the stove nonetheless.

I walked upstairs, I went to Tommy and tubbos room, I usually wake up tubbo first, since he doesn't have such a harsh reaction to being woken up.

So out of habit at this point my eyes immediately went to his bed.

I began freaking out, Where is tubbo?
His blankets where gone and the bed empty, the bee plushie was also on the floor.

I looked over at Tommy scared he wasn't there either.

I stopped.

I relaxed, letting out a sigh. A smile appeared on my face as I looked at Tommy's bed.

Tubbo was hugging Tommy, his arms around his waist and his head on his chest.
Tommy had his arms around tubbo, his head was resting on tubbos head, and they had about 4 blankets on top of them.

I took my phone out and took a few pictures, my heart was melting.

I was really happy that Tommy took my advice, I know he has a hard time opening up to us or anyone, but Tommy and tubbo have experienced a few similar things, so I'm happy they could bond over it and help eachother.

I walked out of the room, closing the door quietly.

"Wheres symphony and bumblebee?" Wilbur asked as I walked downstairs. A worried look, Tubbo usually will walk down with me after I wake them up.

"Bumblebee?" techno asked looking at Wilbur confused.

"The nickname I gave tubbo" he smiled and techno made a 'oh' face.

"I didn't want to wake them up" I said grabbing my phone and showing them the pictures I'd taken.

"That is surprisingly adorable" techno said with a rare genuine smile.

"Send them to me" I said grabbing dads phone, it makes me happy that Tommy is happy.


Tubbo's POV:

I opened my eyes slowly, I went to sit up but couldn't.

It took a moment to register where I was.

I then remembered what had happened the night before.

"Right, I went over to Tommy's bed last night" I thought to myself.

I nodded to myself and sunk back down.

I don't remember bringing my blankets over with Me, but we had 4 blankets on top of us instead of 2.

I felt safe and warm and honestly didn't want to get up, but it was about 11:00 by where the sun was at the moment so I knew I had to get up.

I tried again to get up, I moved Tommy's arm slightly, sitting up about half way before being pulled back down.

"No" he said sleepily.

My head hit the pillow again and I sighed.

"Tommy we have to get up and go downstairs its like 11" I said, surprisingly tommy was strong considering I couldn't get up. Or maybe Its because I'm tried, since I'm usually stronger then Tommy.

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