Techno?... -chapter 12

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Still . The . Same . Day . So
November 22nd Friday still

Tommy's POV:

Dad picked us up afterhe dropped dream off at his house, the ride home was silent, me and tubbo in the back Wilbur in the front.

my first instinct when we got home was to check on techno, I ignored the many questions my dad and brother had for me and ran upstairs, tubbo not far behind.

"Techno? Can I come in" i said knocking on the door.

"Sure" i herd a very tired voice say on the otherside, I looked at tubbo, he grabbed my hand and squeezed, telling me it was gonna be ok.

That made me feel better

I opened the door, and saw techno sitting on his bed, he wasn't wearing the clothes covered in blood anymore, we had on a pair of grey sweatpants and a white Tshirt, his hair wasn't in a braid like before, it was out and hanging in his face slightly.

"Hey" I said sitting next to him, tubbo followed but didn't sit.

"Hey..." he said, he wasn't looking at either of us

"Are... are you ok?" I asked, I'd never seen techno snap like that, or at all he isn't usely one to resort to violence...

"Ye- ...." it sounded like he was about to say yes, but stopped himself

"I'm un.... I'm not really sure" he said looking at the ground, the hair falling in his face more.

"Did... did I kill him?" He asked, he looked worried, and his voice broke slightly.

"No, hes in acoma at the hospital though..." I said, techno looked back to the ground.

"Oh..." was all he said

"I'm sure he will be fine though" tubbo piped in. That man really wasn't gonna be fine though, I overheard the police talking. He had a broken jaw, nose, multiple ribs, wrists. 2 black eyes, a sprained ankle and a busted lip, not to mention a serious concussion.

"There saying I should have killed him..." he whispered.

"Who?" Tubbo asked confused

"The-.... the voices?" He paused, me and tubbo looked shocked, since when did he hear voices? I've never heard about these before.

"They uh... I started hearing them after I got home, and they wont shut up, they just keep saying I should have killed him, and something about a blood god?" He said, techno looked scared, something you don't see often.

I hesitantly wrapped my arms around him, hugging my older brother. As uncomfortable as I was doing it, it felt necessary, even if I had already had far to much physical contact for the day.

I'm not very good with words... so tubbo was saying comforting things to him.

He had his head on my shoulder but didn't hug back.

"Hey techno, itll be ok" he said, his hand on technos shoulder, while I hugged him.

It was weird seeing my brother like this... hes usely strong, and not very openly upfront with people about his feelings.

I was still hugging him, I heard him start crying and I looked at tubbo.

Tubbo looked worried, he looked back at me and shrugged.

We just let him cry, I have never in my time of knowing techno have I seen him cry.

"They want me to hurt you guys..."
He said through tears, me and tubbos eyes immediately locked.

"Techno... should I go get phil?" Tubbo said, putting a hand on his shoulder again.

"I- I don't know" he hugged me back now, I freaked out for a moment but
calmed down quickly.

"Sorry" he said going to pull away from the hug.

"No its ok" I said pulling him back "I'm ok with it" I said, honestly I was terrified, but I want my brother to be okay ok....

"You sure" he said, pausing for a second.

"Mhm" I said, he didn't move for a moment, but then he melted into the hug again. his head on my shoulder and his arms around me, he was still crying...

Me and tubbo learned Morse code, we thought it would be helpful, so we were talking to eachother

'Is he ok?' Tubbo blinked.

'I'm not sure...' I responded.

'I don't think we should get phil'.

'Why?' .

'I'll tell you later'.

I nodded, and I went back to comforting my older brother.

After a while technos breathing slowed, I think he fell asleep, I moved laying him down.

I motioned for me and tubbo to leave I left and tubbo followed, Wilbur was standing outside my bedroom door.

"Tommy, let's talk about what happened earlier".

My heart metaphorically stopped.

*757 words*

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