Chapter 2

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by the way, i forgot to say, i dont own the characters!

Sevens POV.

I click my fingers again, and everyone's eyes closed. At last.

"Bodyguard wakeup." I whisper. Linh's eyes flicker open and look around.

"Who would you like to protect?"

She opens her mouth but no sound comes out. She looks at me confused until I mime that she needs to point to somebody. Of Course she points to Tam. she closes her eyes.

"Werewolves, Wolf cub, Dire wolf and Alpha wolf, wake up."

Hermione, Fitz, Ginny, Keefe, Dex and Piper all open their eyes. "Who is our dear Wolf Cub?" Ginny gestures to herself. "Dire wolf?" Piper. "And last but definitely not least, our Alpha Wolf?" Keefe hookes his thumbs at himself, winking. "The rest of you are Werewolves.

Dire wolf, choose a partner. If they die, you die. if you die they won't."

Piper points to Jason. Typical.

"Okay now all of you, who're you gonna kill?."

Piper points to Leo, Dex to Ro, and all the others smile guiltily and gesture toward Neville.

I grin."We have a majority. Go to sleep."

Coach Hedge is next, he chooses a couple to join his cult.

Dumbledore chooses not to reveal anyone, if he doesnt pick the werewolves, he dies.

Smart move, I think.

Harry wakes and as the Mentalist, quickly points at Ron and Hermione, I give him a thumbs down. No. They're not on the same team. Good job, someone finally got some info!

The Masons; Sophie, Jason and Molly, wake up and stare at each other.

Biana takes a while as Cupid, finding two people to bond. Finally she settles on Keefe and Sophie. I feel confusion bubbling inside of myself.

Huh? I thought it would be Fitz... I'll ask her about it later...

Ron wakes and doesn't quite understand what he's meant to do, but after a quick game of charades he picks Piper and Seamus. If they die and he lives, he wins the game.

I giggle as Percy wakes up as Old Hag. he chooses Annabeth, I'm not sure if it's cause he wants to keep her from getting voted or just to shut her up.

Annabeth opens her eyes and straight away picks Percy.

Great! Now they both can't talk in the morning.

I have to give a thumbs down to Neville, the Sorceress, who suspects that Grizel is Seer.

Nico, Tam and George wake up and smirk at each other.

George eagerly picks Ron and the other two nod in agreement.

Poor Ron, he'll die when somebody gets two votes in the morning.

Vampires these days; no mercy.

Ro picks Sophie as her role model, which I'm fine with.

When Sophie dies, Ro will become a werewolf.

At last, its Hazels turn. She'll make a great Mystic Seer. She checks Frank,Tough Guy, which is kind of expected.

"daylight streams through the village. Everyone wakes up."

kotlc, hoo, hp roleplaying the game: ULTIMATE WEREWOLFDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora