Chapter 3

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get ready for the second night!

Sevens POV

"Bodyguard, wake up." I try again, but Linh still won't wake. "Come ON. wake up bodyguard!"

Finally, Linh squeaks and quickly wakes up, ignoring Hazel and Hermiones giggles.

"Sorry Seven. I forgot that I was Bodyguard!"

I smacked myself in the face. "Bodyguard, you are NOT meant to talk while you're awake. You shouldn't be able to anyway, I had a wizard put some sort of spell in place to avoid it.'' I noticed Dumbledore smiling. I hadn't ever thought of him as somebody to take down useful curses, but I'd have to live with it.

"Who do you wanna save?" I asked Linh. She bites her lip and points once more to Tam.

I roll my eyes. "Sorry, bodyguard but you can't choose the same person twice." She sulks for a minute before pointing to Luna. "Okay, wise choice. Go to sleep."

Fitz, Ginny, Keefe, Dex, Piper and Hermione all wake up again. Dex and Piper are really keen on killing Coach Hedge, Hermione wants Linh out, and Fitz is desperate to kill Biana. Ginny, who seemed creeped out by what Nico said earlier, points to Nico. Hermione, seeing the Weasley girl's expression, changes her vote. At last it's only Keefe who hasn't pointed. He notices how pleading Ginny looks and points to Nico. He smirked his infamous smirk and Ginny went red. I roll my eyes again.

The Mentalist aka Harry chooses Hermione and Ginny. I guess he knows Ron and Hermione aren't on the same team so now he's checking Hermione against Ginny who he seems to think is completely innocent. It's a shame they're both werewolves. He's going to be convinced that poor Ron was a werewolf. He could have just asked the dead Weasley but of course he didn't.

The Coach adds another couple to his Cult.

Dumbledore again chooses not to use his ability. He should learn to be more reckless...

Percy chooses to banish Fitz, I'm not entirely sure why.

I cackle as Annabeth silences the whole group.

Nico, George and Tam decide on killing Dex. I thought Tam hated Keefe?

Eventually I get to Hazel, who is always a pleasure to wake. She picks Sophie and I see the three Masons flinch when I tell the Mystic Seer that the chosen person (elf) is a Mason.

"Village, wake up."

Everyone bolts up, afraid for their lives. I laugh as Fitz is suddenly propelled out of his seat and slammed into the other room. As I lock the door I notice Annabeth looking a small amount bad for him.

"That room seriously smells like old cheese." She says. Well, tries to say. It comes out like: "brmm mhrugh cankj ppreas."

Harry laughs, well actually it comes out like a girly giggle, he smacks his hand over his mouth, horrified. Keefe blanches when he realizes EVERYONE is silenced. The blonde elf literally goes so white he looks like paper. Then he faints. Sophie begins slapping his face, 'asking' if he's okay. Ro runs over and begins trying to give the unconscious boy a weird ogre version of CPR.

Followed by a herd of ogre curses that Sophie winced at (Polyglot alert), and were all gibberish to all us others... Speaking must still work in other languages I conclude.

"Well, that just happened." I murmur. I can see everyone else biting their lips to keep themselves from laughing, in case it turns out the same way it did for Harry, which is understandable.

"VOTING TIME!" I exclaim when Keefe has finally recovered, although i can tell he was playing it up for sympathy.


George: Tam, Linh, Piper, Frank, Ginny... ( + everyone else)

"Well that was easy." Everyone had oddly pointed to George straight away.

"George. Dex. Well done for joining the dead on the ceiling." I compliment as they disappear and reappear on the ceiling.

"Wait, why me?" Dex asks.

"Vampires." George says. "I was one of them. Sorry dude, hey, why don't ALL us dead say our roles?"

"Good idea!" Neville jumps up, "I was the Sorceress!"

"I was a werewolf," Dex informes them proudly.

"Naughty boy," Molly scoldes. "I was a Mason."

"I was a Vampire too." grumbles Nico. "until, somebody-" he glares at Dex, "-killed me."

"Mrumgh, sunmg brupf!" Keefe basically screams

"Ooh, sorry, I may as well take the spell off you all. Votings over now anyway."

"Mmf- thank you!" Seamus exclaimes.

"Just a question," Tam starts, "but how can those people stand on the roof?"

"Umm, maybe because they're dead?!" Percy put his hands on his hips with a sassy expression. "By the way, you can call me: Persassy." he said coolly.

"You know that wasn't even funny?" Luna comments. "And I've spotted five Blibbering Humdingers in this room so far. Everybody better cover their ears or they'll seep into your eyes." she finishes, matter-of-factly.

Everyone stares at her in confusion.

"You realise that if you cover your ears, the 'Blibbering Humdingers' can still get through into your eyes?" Piper asks, "all you need to do is close your eyes!" she says confidently.

Luna frowns, "the Blibbering Humdingers paid the Ministry to feed people wrong information, they say to close your eyes because that's what they go for, but they actually go for your ears."

Piper and Hermione steal Luna's frown, "how does that work?" Hermione asks.

"You'll find out at some point." Luna decides, bringing their discussion to an end.

"Wait a moment." Sandor squeaks. "Molly, did you say you were a Mason-."

I smile. "You mentioned the masons, looks like somebodys about to join the roof. Any last wishes?"

Sandor grins. "As Hunter, I believe I have the ability to take somebody down with me?"

I nod.

"In that case, Grizel, please accompany me to the ceiling."

Grizel produces a toothy smile. "Fine. but I'm the Diseased. Werewolves, you can't kill anyone tonight!" She smirks to herself. "Tood-a-loo living people!"

There's a 'pop' and Sandor and Grizel join the ceiling club, all because of ONE five letter word.

I clap my hands. "Third night. COMMENCE!"

tysm for reading!

kotlc, hoo, hp roleplaying the game: ULTIMATE WEREWOLFМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя