Chapter 8

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   I woke up the next morning before the boys. I climbed out of Neville's arms, which had been wrapped tightly around my waist and snuck out of the boys' dorm and to my own to find all of the girls asleep. Am I seriously the only morning person? I skillfully got changed, brushed my hair and did my makeup without waking anybody. I crept out of the room and back to the boys' dorm to find them all still asleep.

   I sighed before walking back out of the room and down to the commonroom, being nice and not waking them up since it was 7 o'clock on a Saturday morning. I grabbed the book I had been reading yesterday, deciding that I should do something until the boys wake up. I about halfway through the book I heard footsteps. Turning around, I see Neville who was tiredly rubbing his eyes.

"Good morning." I chirped, closing my book.

"Morning." He mumbled, sitting down next to me.

"We can go talk to Dumbledore now, if you want." He said after a moment.

"Ok, sure." I said, my hair turning light green with worry.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine. I'm sure Dumbledore has already set something up, knowing him." Neville said, grabbing my hand and squeezing it before letting go.

   Neville led me out of the commonroom and through many corridors before we stopped in front of a gargoyle. The gargoyle moved to the side, revealing a staircase that led up to what I assumed was Dumbledore' office. We walked up the steps carefully, my anxiety growing. When we eventually reached the top, I knocked receiving a 'come in' before entering.

"Miss Malfoy, Mr. Longbottom, I have been expecting you." Dumbledore said.

Well that isn't creepy, at all.

"I understand your situation, Miss Malfoy, and I have arranged for you to stay with the Weasley family over break. I believe you already know Mr. Ronald Weasley?" The old man said.

"Yes, I do. Thank you so much, sir." I said, my hair turning bright yellow with happiness.

"Your welcome. Now, the two of you better get going or you may miss breakfast." Dumbledore said before disappearing up a staircase.

   Once we got out of the room I hugged Neville tightly. At first he seemed startled, but quickly hugged back. We eventually pulled away, both of us blushing.

"W-We better get going." Neville said.

I nodded and followed him towards the Great Hall. I haven't even know him for three days. I can't have a crush on him yet, can I?l

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