Chapter 43

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   Before we knew it, dinner was over. Our group of 7 people walked out of the great hall, until we got to where our paths would split. 

"We'll see you guys at breakfast tomorrow." I said, hugging Amelia and Bella. 

"They seem nice." Neville said as we walked to our commonroom.

"They are. They were a few of the only people brave enough to approach me, thanks to my last name." I said, grabbing his hand.

"You aren't that scary." Seamus said from my other side.

"Oh?" I asked, turning my hair red and glaring at him.

   He jumped back.

"Ok, maybe you are."

   I laughed, turning my hair back to its natural blonde. Dean and Neville laughed along with me and, eventually, Seamus joined us.
   The next morning I practically had to drag all five boys out of bed and down to breakfast. When we finally got there, the three French students were already sitting at the Gryffindor table, seemingly out of place.

"Sorry we took so long, none of the boys like to wake up. You'd think that they'd be used to it by now." I said, shaking my head as I sat down. 

   Neville sat next to me while Dean, Seamus, Ron, and Harry sat at the other end of the table. All five boys had messy uniforms, since they had just thrown everything in their trunks. Why fold when you can just stuff it all in? 

"No worries, we just got here moments before you did." Amelia said, yawning.

"Did you not get any sleep last night?" I asked, taking a bite of bacon. 

"We did, we're just still tired from yesterday." Tristan said with a shrug. 

"Well, its a good thing that tomorrow's Saturday. You guys can sleep in then we'll show you around Hogsmeade." I said.

"The little village?" Bella asked.

"Yeah, it'll be fun." I said.

"Okay, it's a plan." 

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