Chapter 36

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   As she had promised, Ginny's room was a disaster two days later. I tripped over a pair of shoes in the middle of the night last night when I was trying to get to the bathroom. The crash of me hitting the ground woke Ginny up, who helped me off of a pile of clothes.

"Not even the guys are this messy." I groaned, rubbing my shoulder which I could tell would be bruised tomorrow.

"Sorry. In my defense, though, I did warn you." Ginny said, crawling back into her bed.

   I rolled my eyes playfully, not that she would be able to see me in the dark. After that, I successfully manage my venture to the bathroom without breaking any bones. I quietly climbed into my bed, careful not to wake Ginny back up.

   At 9 am the next morning, I found myself sitting at the kitchen table eating pancakes with the Weasleys. All of a sudden, a loud thud was heard from the window.

"Ari, dear. Can you get the post from Errol?" Molly asked.

"Of course," I said, getting up from my seat.

   I opened the window letting the clumsy owl fly in. He landed on the table, stumbling to a halt. Errol dropped a letter in front of my seat before flying off to who knows where.

"It's from Neville," Ginny said teasingly as I walked back to my chair.

   I smiled as I picked up my letter, tearing it open.

"What does it say?" Ron asked, trying to look over my shoulder.

"He's asking if I could spend the week at his house," I said, looking up at Molly.

"Of course. Finish your breakfast and go pack. You can floo right over." She said with a smile.

   I quickly finished my food before racing upstairs to pack everything that I may need.

Impossible (A Neville Longbottom Love Story) (On Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now