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Step 1:



I'm kidding, but yeah, don't do it.

So why are you here? Should I be worried?

No? That's good. Well, we all have been through a lot, dark thoughts suddenly popped on our heads and shits we have been dreaming of doing so.

Some of those thoughts are crimes like murder, there are different kinds of motivations when you feel like doing it. Revenge, job, or it's just your way of relaxing.

Mine's the second one :)

But I'm not like your kind of murderer, I kill people, mostly the kind of person who are trash in the society. The place I'm currently in teach us how to do it it, the planning and how to get away with it. Surprisingly, it's a school.

You must be confused so let me tell you on how i got into this.


Dark, cold, and hungry. My stomach growls as I decided to sat at the cold bench located at the park. I searched my small backpack to see if anything can calm my hunger.

Fortunately, I found a last piece of chocolate bar and a half empty bottle of water.

" Maybe I should save it." I sigh, putting the small amount of rations inside the bag. I stared above, watching the moon and stars
that were the only light source, when a shooting star flew by.

I closed my eyes and whisper, " I wish to have a  new and better life." It's not that I believe in such things,  but it won't hurt to try.

Things were quite until someone called me from a distance, "Hey there kid," I looked at my left, spotting a beautiful middle aged woman, she's kinda short which I found cute.

She walked up to me and patted my back, "Listen kid, I want to help you. About a second ago, you wished for a new life, the stars heard you and so did I." She sweetly smiled, something about her makes me feel safe, maybe I should trust her.

"My name is Jihyo and I'm here to grant your wish."


This is a fictional work. Any and all names, groups, companies, locations, occurrences, and events are all made up by the author. Any resemblance to real people, alive or dead, or real events is entirely coincidental, and claim no ownership of them.


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