Chapter IV: Trust No One

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A loud gunshot followed by a piercing shriek echoed, stopping all the students who were currently fighting or to be exact, killing each other. Looking to where the sound had come from, they all look directly at the newbie in sync. Sana was shivering, covering her ears, her eyes were tightly closed.

But she wasn't hit, she's completely fine, no bruises or whatsoever. Though, there's a hand that is placed right above the barrel, covering the muzzle of the gun.

Apparently the bullet went through it causing the hand to bleed out, but the owner of the hand didn't budge nor show any sign of pain. Instead, she held it firmly, vines with torns started from her hand started to crawl on to the gun that caused Jin to let go.

The hole on the her palm begins to regenerate itself  in a matter of seconds, which was suprising for Sana.  " healed?"
After it healed, she look at the man, giving him a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

"Did your mother ever told you to not play with guns?" Her voice was cold and scary. As the vines cover the gun, crushing it by its tightness.  She look back at the trembling Sana who's still had her eyes shut. She walked up to her and envelop her with a hug that manage to calm her down as Sana hugged back.

"It's okay, I'm here." She whispers.

"Come on, Kim. You're no fun. Even though she's a Assassin just like you, it's Blood Night so we get to kill her."

Dahyun snaps as her fake smile completely vanished. She walk towards the Hitman, grabbing her by collar, "Try it, I dare you."

"Daddy chill--arghh!" Before Irene can finish her sentence, she was already blown away, crashing unto a tree. Dahyun did it so effortlessly, she turned to Jin who was just as terrified as the other students that surrounded them.

"Well that was fun, I'm going to try that again but with a twist," Her eyes glowed dark green as she extends her hands creating something dangerous yet beautiful, a vine with roses and torns, "They haven't eaten yet, care to feed them for me?" She grins.

"D-Dahyun..what's t-that?" The curious Sana asked despite being scared.

"Don't be afraid, it's just a weapon of mine. By the looks of it, I see you have decided to test your skill, come watch me, let me demonstrate how to kill someone quickly but painfully." Dahyun smiled.

Saba nodded in response, still shaken but manage to stable her breath. She needed this, being a scaredy-cat will only make her situation worst, she won't survive in a place like this if she won't get used to killing.

"Anyways, where was I again? Oh right I'm going to kill you now." She held the vine like a whip and slashed it on Jin, piercing his skin as he cried in pain. The blood splattered on Dahyun's face, landing on her lips as she licked it, tasting the bitternes of the red substance. She hit him again and again until his clothes were destroyed, blood dripping everywhere. The students could only feel pity for him since they can't and will never interfere, while Sana almost gagged at the smell of flesh.

Kicking the hell at of him as the vines strangled him by the neck, bones are broken and twisted. Dahyun really went way to far, but it's part of this bloody tradition.

"Now for the finale-" Dahyun's words got cut off as she hissed in pain, a electrocute arrow went through her. It was painful since it burns the inside of her body making the process of  regenerating slows. Dahyun narrowed her eyes in the direction of the culprit, but chuckles as soon as she realizes who it was.

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