Chapter I: Académie Des Assassins

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Never thought I'll come with a stranger, but she already introduced herself. I just find it odd, how can she hear me when I whispered when she's like a meter away. Never mind, she said she'll help me, I wonder what kind of help she meant.

Even though it's still dark, I noticed that we're already out of the city as all I can see was tall trees in every side of the road. No sight of other cars, buildings or any other structures, I shrugged the thought and just lean my head on the window of the car.

I'm currently at the back seat of her vehicle, Jihyo's in the front, driving. The drive was silent, and I like it that way. But there's something been bugging on my mind so I decided to start a conversation.

"So Jihyo...." I trailed off. She hummed, allowing me to continue. "Where exactly are we going?"

"To the Academy." She answered shortly, eyes directly at the road. It was not the answer I wanted to hear so I asked again, "What Academy?"

She glance at the front view mirror and smiled, " You'll know once we get there, we're actually near."

I nodded my head, as I about to lean again, my stomach made a sound, causing Jihyo to slightly giggle which made me feel embarrassed. Ohh right, I haven't eaten yet, how the hell did I forgot.

" Ahh, you're hungry." She grab something in her bag and handed it to me, " Here, don't worry it's a burger. Once we get there, we'll eat as many as you like." She said and made a turn.

"Thank you." I said and accept the food, still hiding my red face. I munch on my burger like I haven't eaten for days, which is true. God this is juicy tender licking good, and the aroma hmmmm. That came out wrong.

"We're here." She announced, pulling over to the side. I looked at her in confusion, as I look infront, nothing except for a bunch of tall ass trees. Is this woman fucking with me? There's nothing there!

"I think you're mistaken, there's nothing there." I stated, " Miss, if you think this is funny, it isn't, I would like to get out please."

"I'm not, just wait. You impatient motherf*cke—." She didn't say the last part, I just made that up. :)

And we waited, for a while, just there waiting. The ground began to shake and I did what every person would ever do in this situation. I held on my seat tightly and started to panick, shouting and yelling. Jihyo seem to be unbothered, she just sat there, holding a golden remote. Infront of us, trees started to dissolve like it wasn't there before and was just an illusion.

After it dissolves, the forest before, transformed into something I could never imagine. A modern castle-like building, very wide space, a fountain in the middle, people wearing formal suits and dark hoodies, guns and swords hanging around their waist. And did I mention those people are very good looking, shit, I'm drooling. I also noticed that it was morning inside.

" Welcome to ASS." She stated, snapping me out of daydreaming as she drove inside. Wait...Ass? Who named a school after a butt?

" Students here must be thicc." I commented, earning a snort from Jihyo. "Well, you could say that." She said and stepped on the breaks, unlocking both doors.

" This is the Assassins's Secret Sanctuary (ASS) also known as Assassination Academy. Heaven and Hell's backup place, home of half angels and demons." Jihyo further explained as she got out of the vehicle, I did the same. "Stay close to me, the students here gets harsh when it comes to newcomers." I gulped and held Jihyo's hand, feeling the glares as we walked past them, but at some point, I feel safe just by holding her hand.

She guided me to another building, a luxurious one, spotting two beautiful women. The taller one had a blank face, a long haired brunette, wearing a formal suit with a scary aura surrounding her, while the hot one was smiling, her bunny teeth showing, also wearing a suit. They seemed to notice us as they both came closer and bowed at me and Jihyo, "Greetings, I'm Chou Tzuyu, second-head of the Hitmans," the taller one introduced. "And this is Nayeon."

"Yahhh!! That is not how you introduce your superior," she whines, which I find adorable. "Anyways, Im Nayeon, the Head of the Hitmans and the building you're in is our headquarters." Her cute smile disappeared and turned into a serious one. Are Hitmans always this scary?

Wait Hitmans? I thought this place are only for the Assassins? Ahhh pabo, it's called Assassination Academy for a reason, Hitmans also assassinate people.

I bowed and shyly introduce myself, "I'm Minatozaki Sana." Nayeon beamed and pinch my cheeks, making me blush. " A cute one, nice going Jih." She then winked.

"Alright that's enough, she needs to rest. Can she stay here while I prepare her proper room?" Nayeon immediately nodded, " No problemo Amigo, in fact, she can stay here forever."

Jihyo shake her head in disagreement, "Nope, I'm not letting her be with you. We all know how flirty you can be." Psshhh wait till you get to know me jih, I'm more flirty than her.

"I will go now, take care of her for a while." Just as she was about to leave, a flaming ball came flying up to me, worse it started to increase its speed. It seems that my body reacted on its own and the wind somehow begins to get stronger, turning into some kind of tornado. The students struggles to avoid it since the thing gets bigger and bigger, my body also weakened and I know in just a matter of seconds, I'll pass out. "An Air bender." I heard Nayeon gasp, so as Tzuyu. "We should stop her or that thing will make a huge mess."

I snapped, I don't know how but I made another one. It grew just like the first one. I spread my hands and the tornados moved, I was controlling them. "Great, another one." Tzuyu sighs, and glance at Jihyo. " Stop her or she'll make another."

"I'll handle it." Jihyo turned to me and said some words that I cannot understand and flicked my forehead. The wind slowed down as the world I see turned black. "Sweet dreams, Sana...."

I apologize for the boring chap, I kinda rush it, I have another one that I will publish by the end of March. The thing is that, I already have an ending for this book but I still need to fix the plot... :T

Also let me remind you. Updates for this book is random so it can take a week or a month since I created this out of boredom. The book that i will publish next is planned and will be my first priority.

©️Kim_ShibsTofu for Sana and Momo's powers. Also if you're a Saida shipper, read their stories. I promise, you won't be disappointed.


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