Chapter II: The Gardener

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I woke up with a wet face, thinking I drooled or something licked me when I was asleep. I wiped it off and immediately open my eyes, seeing something on top of her. I yelped and fell of the bed, moving away from the creature until my back hit the wall.

"A-A wolf?! what in the world, I must be dreaming again." I pinched the side of my abdomen, "Fuck." it hurts, indicating that I'm not dreaming. The huge black wolf jump off my bed, and lunges forward at me, licking me in the process. So this is why I have a wet face.

"Alright that's enough Mizuki, Sana just woke up from her long nap." A gorgeous woman, wearing a dark cloak that I haven't met before said, the wolf quickly obeyed and went to the woman. "Hi, I'm so sorry you had to wake up like this. I'm Mina the head of the Assassins and this is my companion, Mizuki." She smiled whilst the wolf howled.

"I'm Sana." I introduced myself. "I know, you're the new girl that almost got hit by the flaming ball and an air manipulator. Everyone actually knows you." She said, my mouth formed an 'o'. Mina helped me get up and assist me to my bed and I sat down, she gave me a cup of tea, it tasted good.

"How long have I slept? And where am I?" I asked, massaging my head.

"About a week. You're in the academy's hospital." She simply answered that made my jaw drop, "You used all of your energy creating those tornadoes, it's not safe for you to do that yet, especially that you just found it out. It will take a few practices before you master it." she added, sitting at the edge of the bed beside me.

"So I do have powers, I wonder why." I looked at my palm.

"In this school, everyone has it. Some say it's a curse but for us it's a gift and we used it for our own good. I think you already knew that people here are Hitmans and Assassins. There's not that much of a difference between them, a hitman is paid to kill someone while an assassin is someone who kills someone important,"

"A hitman can be an assassin if they're hired to kill a politician or whatever, but they could also  kill someone unimportant for hire." She further explains. This assassination thingy gives me goosebumps by just hearing it.

Mina stood up and looked at me straight in the eyes, "You're one of us now, and you're exactly on my team, that means you are an assassin. The headmaster is summoning you to his office, but first let's make you look presentable and give you your proper companion with the help of a friend."

" mean I can get something like her?" I asked and looked at the wolf who's also looking at me, what a cutie.

"Yes, but your destined companion is the one who'll choose you. Let's go, we have no time to waste. You should be fine, now that you have drank the tea I gave you." I nodded my head and stood up, I can feel my energy coming back again.

The wolf went up to me and lick my hand as I pet her, "Mizuki seemed to like you. She isn't like that with other people, only me and some of my friends can pet her. She's normally vicious and frightening." Mina spoke when she witnessed my closeness with Mizuki. "Maybe because you look like a dog?" She whispered, but I heard it.

I gave her my cutest pout, "I do not look like a dog."  She slightly blushed and looked away.

"Mizuki, go home."Mina commanded, then the wolf suddenly vanished into thin air. "You can summon your companion every time you want." She opened the door and went out first, I followed.

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