BGCH 103: It's Karma Bitch!

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-6:03 am-

Charm woke up and got out the cake. She tried not to wake the 3 girls since they all crashed in her room from last night. They had planted laxatives in the cake and now she had to frost it. Once she finished frosting it she tip toed to the kitchen and set it on the counter. She then got out the ''letter from the producers'' that she actually wrote and set it next to the cake.

Charm: Guys get up! Lets go!

Niki: Okay.

Symone: Ughhhhh Kay !

GiGi: noooooo.

Charm: Get the f*ck up!


Niki: Alright everyone get dressed and washed up as quickly and quietly as possible. I think instead we should stay away from the house for a while so we'll get breakfast and lunch.

Symone: Everyone get you sh*t and put it in my room I got a lock on my door, I don't want them touching our stuff!

-1 hour later in the hummer-

Niki: Alright where do you guys want to eat?

Charm: I don't care.

-While eating breakfast-

Symone: So do you think they ate it yet?

GiGi: I don't know but we could call the house around lunch time and see hats going on.

Symone: Yeah.

-Back at the house-

Sandra: Wow, I'm the only one awake. So I guess I'll make some breakfast.

When she got to the kitchen she found the cake and letter. She picked up the letter and opened it.

'To: The Bad Girls

From: The Producers

Hey girls, we hope you are having a great time in the clubhouse! Here's a cake for you guys to celebrate your wonderful first few days.'

Sandra: Oh well that's nice.

Mimi and Julian: What's nice?

Sandra: The producers left us a cake!

Mimi: Wow that looks good.

Julian got out a knife and cut 3 pieces.

Sandra: Guys, lets not save the cake for those other brats lets just eat it.

They grabbed forks and started digging in.

-15 minutes later-

Julian: Wow I'm stuffed but my stomach feels funny.

Sandra: Mine does too.

Mimi: Me three.

Sandra: OMG get out my way!

Sandra ran to the bathroom and shut the door. Mimi and Julian ran to the other bathrooms.

-The 3 girls are out at lunch-

GiGi: Hey lets call them now!

The phone rang and then it was sent to voicemail.

Symone: They either ate it and got sick and can't answer the phone or they left the house.

-Confession Room-

Mimi: Thank God I brought Pepto Bismol! It was the cake! I have no idea what was wrong with it but it made me sick. I'm not going to share with these girls cause I'm not taking sides just yet.

-2 hours later-

Symone: IT'S KARMA BITCH!!!! How was my cake? Hahaha.

-Confession Room-

Symone: Revenge is sweet hahaha!

*The 4 girls start cracking up*

*Mimi dumps the bucket of fish from the 2nd story on the 4 girls while yelling*


Niki: Oh hell to the mother f*cking no!

*Niki ran up the stairs holding a big slippery fish in her hand*

Charm: Haha lets go see what she's gonna do.

-Confession Room-

Charm: So this bitch Mimi dumps fish on us and three things are going through my mind. 1.) Why the f*ck isn't this bitch sick. 2.) Fish really? Fish! That was our dinner! 3.) What is Niki gonna do I gotta see this.

Symone: Haha I think my revenge was pretty good but why the fuck isn't Mimi sick?

GiGi: Hey Niki actually lost her temper before me hahaha!

*They all followed up the stairs*

*Mimi starts running but Niki tackles her and sits in top of her. She starts hitting her in the face with the fish*


Mimi: Stooop!

*Charm grabs her and drags her away from Mimi*

Niki: I'll get you back bitch just wait! Dont expect me to brush it under the rug you dumb bitch!

-Confession Room-

Niki: The fuck is wrong with this bitch. Fish. Fish, are you f*cking kidding me! Not only do I smell like fish but she didn't even wash the blood off them so my white top is stained! I wanna f*ck this bitch up!

Mimi: Haha something smells fishy in the house.... oh yea that's Niki, Charm, Gigi, and Symone! But Niki is so ugh! She just had to hit me with a fish.

-10 Minutes later-

Symone: Goodnight guys! Mimi needs her extra beauty sleep for both of her faces! YOU TWO FACED BITCH!

*The four girls start cracking up*

-Confession Room-

Mimi: Well I defiantly picked who I'm going to hang with! F*ck those four girls! Psssh I don't need them. GOOD F*CKING NIGHT.

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