The second race

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Okay guys so im on my 6th chapter! yay! i finally got here! and omg i am sooo happy! I currently have 895 reads for Claire! AHHHHH! im freaking out! Im almost at my goal of 1,000 reads. I noe im 105 reads away from my goal but that is still extremely close! I love u guys!!!! And every single time i get an email saying that i got a new fan, it makes me sooo happy.  U guys are awesome!

and getting back to the story, this chapter is, as the title suggests, is abt Claire's second race. I'm gonna try and give ya'll a much better description of the race itself, cuz looking back at the other race description, it was horrible and short. This chapter will truly show u how Claire feels abt racing and how her racing career is becoming bigger and bigger. And one last thing! THANK YOU SOOO MUCH misty306! You really made me want to write this chapter and I want to thank you for your comment on my last chapter!


 "Good morning Claire. Is my darling ready to be pampered before her race?" Joe said through a huge smile as he walked over to my stall. My eyes fluttered open when I heard his voice. I walked over to him and nuzzled his chest. He patted my head before going to the grain room to feed me my morning food. When he came back, he came back with a little bit of grain and a bran mash. I had recently started getting bran mash in the morning and I assumed it was to help my body function better, therefore helping me through race training and races. I didn't mind because it was very good and it gave me all the energy I needed for the day. And since today was race day, I got a little more of it. Joe stroked back the thick hairs on my neck as I munched happily on my food. Today was going to be a long day for me, Joe, and everyone else involved in pampering and preparing me for the race.

                                                                **** A few hours later ****

"Easy girl. Easy." Joe held my turquoise halter, as the groomers clipped my hair. They also plucked out a few hairs from my tail and mane, making sure I looked perfect. We were now at the racing grounds and I was excited. I had so much energy and I wanted and needed to run. My chestnut coat was shiny, soft, and silky. The sun shimmered and gleamed as it bounced off my golden coat. My hooves were picked out and my silver horse shoes were scrubbed and polished. They were shiny and looked absolutely beautiful. 

"Hello Claire." Steve said as he walked over to me. His blond hair was tucked neatly under his turquoise and black helmet. He was in a turquoise outfit with a black strip on his back and a black number 2.  The groomers hoisted the turquoise saddle pad with the number 2 on it. They then lifted a beautiful, new, and polished black saddle onto my back. My bridle and turquoise blinker hood were then put onto my head and I was ready to go.

Steve jumped onto my back as I was led out to a roaring crowd. The crowd was cheering as I stepped onto the dirt track. Some people stopped cheering and made obnoxious remarks.

"What is a filly doing out here?" "That filly has no chance!" Were some of the remarks that people shouted at Steve and I. Steve stroked my neck and said, "It's okay Claire. They don't know how good you are. We can show them who is a great racehorse!" At his words, I picked up my head and held it a little bit higher.  We made our way to the starting gates and I saw all the other horses freaking out. I kept my head held high as I made my way into the gates. When the other horses got into the gates, they were pacing and squealing. I stood calmly and focused on the race.


The gates opened and I bolted out. The thundering of hooves was heard all around me. The crowd screamed and cheered as we galloped along the track. We were almost at the finish line. I used all my strength to gallop faster and cross the finish line with a fast and powerful gallop. The crowd cheered and screamed. My second race has proved a wonderful success. It would also give everyone something to think about.


Okay I finished chapter 6! I am soooo happy! I finally finished typing up 2 chapters in the same month. Wow that is definitely something new for me. hahahah. Anyways how'd u guys like this chapter? Do u guys think i shuld go into more description or have the description of the races like this chapter? It's up to u guys! 




~ Chloe

ClaireTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon