Practice and Friendship

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Hia, im sorry if dis chapter is "fluffy". im just in a rlly good mood today and its running in my stories. just tell me if its too "fluffy!" lol anyway hope u guys like dis chapter! crossing my fingers it will come out good. Some new characters will be introduced and Claire will also be reunited with 2 of her old friends. She will also be doing different types of training and of course, some racing! I'm also giving you two new characters (a horse and a teen boy).


The wind gently swished my mane around my head as I held it to the sky, enjoying the wind on my face. Today was a warm and beautiful spring day. The grass was a dark emerald that felt good to lay down in. I slowly dropped my chestnut body to the ground and started to roll. I continued to roll when i heard the paddock gate open, but jumped up when I saw 2 familiar horses.

"ACORN! SNOWDROP! I. . . I can't believe it! How'd you guys get here?" I neighed excitedly to my friends i thought i would never see again. Snowdrop nuzzled me with her white head as Acorn answered.

"Well, Snowdrop and I were living in a not-so-great home, so we made a plan to go to a better place! We pretended to act stupid so they would get rid of us, and now we're here with you!" Acorn tossed her head as she told the story.

"You guys haven't changed a bit!" I said as I nuzzled my friends, "Oh, what kinds of work do you guys do? I'm a racehorse now."

"Claire, that's amazing! I do steeplechase races and Acorn does dressage!" Snowdrop whinnied. Acorn was very good with her hooves and moving swiftly, always capturing everyone's attention. Snowdrop was a beautiful white purebred Arabian that always made the stallions and even geldings stare as she passed by and was just an all around amazing performer.

"That's amazing guys!!! Well here comes Joe; I got to go but we can talk later when I'm finished training." I called over my shoulder as I trotted over to Joe as he slipped a halter over my head and lead me to the dirt training arena. On the white chipped wooden fence a saddle, bridle, and saddle pad were laid down. Joe gently laid the saddle and pad onto my back before slipping the bridle in my mouth. He stuck his foot into the stirrup and gracefully hoisted himself up onto my back. I started to trot to the starting gate when Joe turned my head to the side gate that led into and open field with tall grass. It was a soft green field and the sweet scent of fresh grass filled my nose as soon as I got into the field. Joe had me in a western saddle and the way my body moved in it felt strange, but I kind of liked the security it seemed to give Joe and the relaxed mood it set. Joe's heels pressed into my sides asking for a gallop. I tossed my head in delight and jumped into a full-speed gallop. Joe lurched forward in surprise, steadied himself (and his hat), and grabbed my long chestnut mane for support. My hooves thumped on the grass as i galloped behind the back field, going farther away from the stable. Joe felt my pace slow down as I started getting tired and he let me slow down to a walk. I spotted a big apple tree that had the little stream that ended our property behind it. I tugged on the reins a little and Joe laughed knowing what I wanted.

"Okay girl. We'll go to the tree. I'll give you a couple apples, let you get a drink from the stream, and then we'll take a little break." Joe laughed. I tossed my head, and this time he was prepared for me to race toward the tree. This time, though, I didn't charge forward and gallop, I cantered to the tree.

The apple tree had huge juicy red apples and the stream was fresh and cold. This place reminded me of my favorite place at my old home where my mom and I loved to relax at. The memory made my heart ache but also made me feel as if my mom was still with me. Joe pat my neck and dismounted, stopping my day dream. He sat against the tree to relax after he loosened my girth and took off my bridle and hung it on a low branch. I walked over to him, sat down next to him, and rested my head on his lap. Joe gasped a little in surprise and then sat back against the tree and we both relaxed under the apple tree.

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