No way

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So this is Chapter 8 and i still didnt get any comments on the last chapter, but i noticed that more people are reading the story! Yay i am soo happy. And I'm sorry if I annoy you guys by asking for comments but seriously i need them. I want to know what you guys think and what I can do to make the chapters better! I would really appreciate that. And if you really don't want to comment, I guess that's okay too. If there are no comments can you guys at least vote? Thanks!


"How ya doin' girl?" Joe asked me. He came over to my stall and leaned over the door. After petting and giving me a treat, Joe went back to cleaning the barn.

After awhile, Jolene and Brian came into the barn. Jolene patted my head as she and Brian walked past and over to Joe. They walked into the tack room to talk about something that I didn't know about.

When they finally emerged, Joe looked a bit upset. I cocked my head to the side and starred at him puzzled.

"Hey girl," he said as he walked over to me, "I'm gonna miss you while you're gone." What?! Where am I going? Why is this happening? What did I do to deserve this?  Questions flooded my mind as Joe walked out of the barn. He always cleaned the barn at the end of the day and proceeded to go home. I let out a whinny, but Joe was out of earshot.

*That Night*

The wind howled angrily outside the barn. The wooden boards creaked and groaned. Rain pounded the roof, almost threatening to come in and wash us out. I shuddered from the cold air and the light mist from the rain that made its way inside my stall. I could see my hot breath in my dark cold stall. I could hear my friends and the other horses breathing slowly and shuddering every now and then from the cold. I could've sworn that I heard a noise that sounded like footsteps creeping around the side of the barn. The noise of footsteps stopped suddenly, and they were replaced by a shuffling noise by the barn doors. I was too frightened to wake the other horses incase this was grave danger knocking on our doors. Suddenly, there was a huge bang and a gust of wind shot through the barn. Someone had threw open the doors. The loud bang woke up the other horses who reared and snorted in fear of the unknown. My eyes widened and all my muscles tensed as I heard the footsteps approach. With each hollow step a new wave of fear washed over me. The footsteps seemed to pull out every ounce of fear I had ever felt and placed all those fears in front of me. My worst nightmare seemed to be coming true. I shook my head frantically, desperately trying to wake myself up from a nightmare that was reality. The hollow footsteps stopped in front of my stall. I reared and shyed away from the door, trying to get myself away. My stall door gave a horrible creaking noise as I realized that the footsteps were coming into my stall. I let out a loud shrill scream of pure terror as the footsteps stopped in front of me. 

"You have cost me a lot of time and money, darling," the man sneered and his voice was more painful than nails on a chalkboard. "You are the reason I've been through a lot of trouble. But now I have you wrapped around my finger, and you will no longer cause me any trouble." His voice cut through the air like ice. The man stroked me with his freezing bony hands. His touch sent chills down my spine. I felt tiny pricks all over my body, temporarily numbing me. My body was slipping into a panic, no matter how hard I fought against it. My thoughts were jumbled and the only thing that I was able to feel or think was fear and dread. The man walked closer to me and his dry breath against my face made my hair stand up.

"Do you remember me, Claire? Do you remember these boots? Do you remember what I did that night?" he whispered mockingly in my ear. My body stiffened at his words. No way. No way. This couldn't be the man responsible for my mother's death. How dare I let him stand before me!

Quickly, my dread and fear transformed into anger anf hatred. I began to shudder from all my built up rage. He just threw his head back and gave a cruel sickening laugh. That pushed me over the edge. I couldn't bear to let him stand in front of me. so unharmed. I swore that I would avenge my mother and this man was the only thing standing in my way. This was it. This was the time to finally make him pay for what he had done.


dun dun DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cliffhanger! ahh i love cliffhangers. Anyways, i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and tell me your thoughts in the comments below! It is greatly appreciated.  So this chapter was kinda dark for this story and the next one will be too. Hope u liked this chapter!






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